The Ball

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(December 24th The day before the ball)

Skylar had only told Hermione about Viktor asking her out and apparently Hermione got asked by one of Viktor's friends a few days ago. Sky had to turn down about fifteen guys already, it hurt her every time because most of the boys were so nice and she hated to say no to them. Hermione had a bit of the same problem with Neville and a few other guys too. Though Harry and Ron however weren't having the same of luck with having to finding a date.

"Why can't we find ourselves Dates?" Ron asks Harry who shrugs.

"Because were whimps and we don't know how to get up the courage to ask any girl?" He suggests looking over to his friend who thinks for a second before Shaking his head.

Hermione and Sky were sitting next to the boys Hermione next to Ron and Sky next to Harry though they were in study hall and the two girls were studying. Seeing that The teacher's didn't want anyone falling behind because of the ball and everything else going on this year, they instated a study hall for everyone at diffrent times 3pm was Harry, Hermione, Ron and Skylar's. And to Skylar's luck (But not the rest of her friend's) Snape was the professor making sure everyone was in line and he would let her off the hook a lot easier than the others.

"No, We can't because we've waited to long, we just have to get a date. I mean Fred easily got a date because he asked right after finding out There was a ball" Ron exclaims but as the two were talking they both got hit on the head by Professor Snape which made Sky stifle a laugh as she continues to work.

"To be fair, Angelina has been Fred's on and off girlfriend for a few years, and him and George have no problem ever asking girl out" Harry states. Ron rolls his eyes slightly jealous of his brothers that have that skill when he doesn't

"Not the point, the point is we need to-" Ron begins a bit louder than he would have though and Professor Snape comes over and hits Ron's neck with a rolled up paper which makes Ron stop talking till he goes away. "We need to quit beating around the bush like muggles say and just ask some girls or well show up with no dates like poor Neville" Ron adds, Sky looks to her friend

"Neville's got a date Ron, Him and Ginny are going as friends" She tells him, Ron groans and puts his head down a but before looking back up

"Hey, You two are girls" Ron begins. Hermione scoffs a bit before looking up to Ron,

"Good observation Ronald, only took you four years to realize" Hermione exclaims rolling her eyes.

"Since you both probably don't have dates either Sky could be Harry's date and you could be my date Hermione" Ron states making Sky look at him confused

"So your assuming we don't have dates already?" Sky asks Ron not wanting to get offended or a bit frustrated before she knows everything.

"Well Yeah" Ron says as if it isn't a big deal Hermione scoffs and gets up from her seat.

"For your information Ronald me and Skylar both have dates" She tells him a bit annoyed that he would assume that she didn't have a date nor did Sky when the two actually did.

Sky went to turn her notes in to her father along with Hermione. Sky clearly wasn't as peeved as Hermione was seeing that it was probably just that Ron expected that the two would tell him if they had dates, but she didn't want to get on Hermione's bad side so she decided to let her cool down a bit before trying to explain.

The two walked to the Gryffindor common room and Hermione sat down with a bit of a sigh.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it like that Hermione, he's just a bit flustered that he doesn't have a date. I'm sure everything will calm right down before the Ball tomorrow" Skylar tries Reassuring her best friend. She may have been best friends with Harry, and Ron too but she had a special connection with Hermione, the two were basically sisters just like how Ron and Harry were basically brothers.

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