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Summer arrived quicker than Sky had expected and it was a lot longer too.

Losing Sirius really took a toll on her and her father noticed so he tried to keep her mind off of it the best he could however he left offen because of both the order and Voldemort. Sky somehow was still a secret to the order seeing that Voldemort only though Sky was another friend of Harry's and wasn't of much importance. When in reality she was just up in her room when any death eaters visited. It felt odd but her father reassured her it was for her own good so she didn't interfere with anything.

So with being in her room almost the whole summer she was able to write letters to all her friends, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Neville, Luna, and last but not least Fred.

He kept to his word and Owled her everyday asking her out for bits of it and also just plan old catching up for others. It was just like last year though sadly Fred wouldn't be coming back to school with her.

Other than the letters she had with her friends she also had Kreature to talk to when ever she wanted.

He still stayed at number twelve Grimmuald Place keeping it tidy but he always popped in when Sky asked him to. She had allowed Dumbledore to continue to use the house for order reasons seeing that she was the heir to the house. Though that was basically the only thing she inherited seeing that the Black family gold was out of the picture going straight to The Malfoy's for some reason.

Sky didn't mind though seeing that she didn't loose any money because she had little to begin with anyways.

Other than that the Grimmuald place was a bit saddening for Skylar to go to seeing that it reminded her of Sirius.

So once she was fully of age in December she would most likely fully be giving it to order seeing that she couldn't sign it off until then.

Once Fred heard that Sky was basically stuck in her room for the most part he offered for her to stay with him and George though she declined seeing that her father wouldn't approve of it in the slightest, so Fred did the next best thing. Buy Sky a bunch of gifts to keep her preoccupied, mostly books but a few different things here and there.

When her father seen all the gifts she had been receiving he rolled his eyes and told her as long as he wasn't trying to make her move in with him and get together he would tolerate all the gifts.

Sky laughed it off while making sure to never tell him that Fred had tried to get her to move in a while back.

After the longest mouth and a half, Ginny and Ron invited Sky to stay with them for the few days before School started, Sky went to her father imedently with the idea and seeing that he was for some reason seeming almost a bit happy he said yes with a ghost of a smile on his face.

Like that Sky went up stairs wrote back to Ron and Ginny telling them she could come and soon enough she ended up at the Weasley house.

Sky knocked on the front door of the Burrow smiling as she could already feel the aura of Warmth and welcoming.

The Burrow had become one of Skylar's many hom away from home's, along with Hogwarts, McGonagall house, Hagrid's hut, and the Grangers house.

"Coming!" Mrs Weasley's voice could be heard from the kitchen as she then opens the door to let the girl in.

"Skylar! Oh how wonderful to see you dear" Molly exclaims hugging the girl with her signature motherly hugs.

"It's great to be here Mrs Weasley. Thank you for letting me stay again, dad having everything to do with the order and all has been a bit difficult to manage" She admits to the older woman who smiles at her.

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora