The Burrow

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(23rd of December)

Sky and Hermione sat in a diffrent Compartment than Harry and Ron seeing that Hermione and Ron weren't on the best of terms but Hermione was still happy about Skylar's plan on saying yes to Fred's next Date offer.

By the time the train stopped Hermione was finishing her pep talk to Sky about how Fred was definitely going to ask her out and she had nothing to worry about which helped slightly though not 100 percent.

"I'll owl you on your birthday and Christmas" Hermione promises Sky as the two hug one final time before they have to part ways for the holidays.

"I will to, and I'll keep you updated on the situation" Sky says with a small smile. They say their good byes and Sky catches up to Ron, Harry and Ginny who were with Mr Weasley.

"Everyone ready?" Mr Weasley questions the four who all nod. Sky had her arm linked with Ginny's and Harry's who was holding onto Ron's shoulder who was holding onto his dad's arm.

Mr Weasley then Apparates them all to the Burrow.

Sky lingers in the field in front of the house with a smile as her friends and Mr Weasley all head into the house.

"Sky! Come on!" Ginny's voice snaps the girl out of her trance like state of appreciation as she then walks into the Burrow.

"Sky! Oh I'm so glad you could make it" Mrs Weasley exclaims as she hugs Skylar tightly as soon as she enters the house.

Skylar hugs Mrs Weasley back before letting go "thank you for inviting me over" Sky says looking around the kitchen while dragging her Luggage around.

"Of course dear, after all you, Ron, Harry, and Hermione have been threw your basicly family by now." The woman adds.

"Well if she would just say yes to my date offer by now she can be apart of the family even more so" a familiar voice says

Sky looks over to see Fred standing a few feet away. "Hello Princess" he adds with a smirk.

"Fred" Sky says with a smile.

"Fred would you mind bringing Skylar's luggage to your old room?" Mrs Weasley asks making Sky look at her slightly confused.

"I though I was staying in Ginny's room" Sky states confused.

"Well we were going to set up a bed for you in that room but then we were under the impression that Fred and George weren't coming but then Fred decided to come over alone and we also thought that Lupin and tonks were coming but they can't seeing that the full moon is Tomorrow. Then we realized that Fred already had a extra bed in his room so we decided it was easier if you two just stayed in that room" Mrs Weasley explains making Sky slightly more confused. "I best be off to making dinner have fun you two"

Sky then looks over to Fred a bit confused. Fred Chuckles.

"Come on" he tells Sky grabbing her luggage and carrying it to his and George's old room.

Sky follows him up the stairs and into the room where he places the luggage down next to George's old bed.

"Thanks" Sky tells him. Fred nods as Sky then walks over to her luggage and puts away the sweater she had on seeing how warm it is in the house leaving her in a red long sleeve.

Sky then looks over to Fred noticing him staring at her.

"What is it?" She asks him now begining to blush underneath his gaze.

"Nothing" Fred says before walking over and sitting on the bed Skylar would be sleeping on. "How's Snape? Still grumpy as ever?" Fred asks with a smirk. Sky smiles slightly

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