Quidditch World Cup (forth year)

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"Come on dad! They invited me to the world cup! Please let me go its only for a few days, a day or two once we get there. After the game I'll stay with the Weasley's for another day till school starts" Skylar begs her father who was sitting on his chair.

The Weasley's had invited her to go in the top seats for the quidditch world cup, and even though she didnt like quidditch as much as Harry or Ron. She wanted to hangout with her friends over to summer, but she hadn't got the chance and summer was going to start in three days if you didn't count today.

"Exactly Skylar, it's a house full of boys, most of them are going to be older than you and I don't want anything to happen" her father tells her reading thr newspaper

"What's going to happen? It's only a day and if I get hurt I'll tell you but I don't see why else I shouldn't be able to go" Sky exclaims. Her father looks at her

"I'm not just worried about you getting hurt" he adds. She looks at him confused.

"Then why else can't I go?" She questions. He stops for a second. He was looking for a way to say something but Sky clearly didn't know what he was trying to say. He sighed

"Fine, but be careful, and make sure your with someone at all times. I don't want you getting lost" her father gives in after three days of trying to convince him. Skylar's eyes widen and she gives her father a big hug then running to her room to pack after saying thank you at least ten times.

She quickly packs all of the things she needed, though since she already had her trunk for school packed she just needed some clothes for three days and she was good.

(Next day) 5 am

(Skylar's outfit, the bag is the one she takes to the game)

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(Skylar's outfit, the bag is the one she takes to the game)

It was around 4 am when Sky got up and ready for the day seeing that She had to meet the Weasley's at 6 and she wanted to be there a little early. Luckily she was able to go to sleep early so she wasn't to exhausted but it was still a little to early for her taste

"Owl me if anything goes wrong and once your back from the game" her father instructs with a straight face. Skylar nods before stepping into the fireplace and getting a handful of the Floo powder.

"The Burrow" She exclaims throwing the powder down and the non harmful flames engulfed her.

She stepped out of the new fireplace and into what she then assumed to be the Burrow. She looked around to see a few pictures of redheads one including one of her best friends Ron Weasley. After looking around a bit she hears her name

"Skylar!" Hermione's voice exclaims. Sky looks over to Hermione and smiles then hugging her tightly

"I missed you" Sky tells the girl who smiles back at her.

"Me too" Hermione admits

"Skylar! Wonderful to see you dear how's your father?" Mrs Weasley asks walking out of the kitchen

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