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The next three months or so were a bit rocky, by a bit rocky she meant it was an absolute rollar coaster of emotions, and not exactly all great ones, in fact, most were negative, she would feel happy at some times but then sorrowful at others. But it was expected, I mean how should she feel? Proud of the fact she lost so many people? Excited by the thought of never seeing her father again because he was a traitor working for the very man who caused all of her and her friend's pain? 

She was a wreck, anytime she felt happy she ended up feeling guilty about ten minutes after thinking she didn't deserve the happiness she felt or that she was just faking it to begin with if she was even capable of feeling happiness at such a time. Fred saw this and it killed him to see his favorite person in the entire world feel so useless and overall awful. 

Though Fred made sure to be there when she needed him, he never made her do anything she didn't want to like going out to eat, getting up from bed early in the morning, and such. But he did make her eat and drink water so she wasn't harming herself too badly, as much as she wanted to refuse eating or drinking water Fred was extremely persistent and very strict on keeping her heathy.

Fred would always make small remarks about how he was glad he could finally be the one taking care of her since she was always taking care of others, he would try to make her feel better by telling her jokes or stories and even reading to her before bed. He was making her meals, sitting with her while she cried, soothing her to sleep after a nightmare, anything he could do he did, if she even expressed a slight remark of interest in anything he would imminently do everything in his power to try and enhance that little joy it gave her. Once she mentioned she enjoyed the apples he got from the market, that same day he came home with two crates of the same apples and then made her an apple pie.

Thought the last week Sky had been feeling much better. Sky and Fred would occasionally visit the Burrow to see the others and they had even all made a plan to get Harry out of his Aunt and Uncle's place. Sky knew her feeling better and doing so much better was all thanks to Fred, if it weren't for him she knew she wouldn't have been able to even survive alone for more than three weeks from her lack of wanting to take care of herself and her own basic needs. 

"Skylar?" Fred says walking into his and Skylar's room and knocking on the door lightly grabbing her attention. "You ready?" He asks. Skylar nods slightly with a small smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be" She admits getting up from the bed. Today was the day. It was a day before Harry's Birthday, the day the Order planned to get Harry to the Order safely.

"He's not going to like it you know," Skylar states as she walks over to her boyfriend.

"Godric no, but it is for his own good, besides he'll get over it eventually when he realizes we've saved his ass for the what? Hundredth time?" Fred states with a shrug and a slight smirk trying to lighten the mood a bit

"I know" Sky admits. Fred holds out his hand, Skylar takes his hand and he apparates the two to the Burrow where everyone is waiting to head out.

"Finally- you two love birds made it out of the nest in enough time to show face" George exclaims with a smirk looking at Fred and Sky who enter the Burrow together. The whole order except for Harry was in the Burrow now.

"Everyone ready to head out?" Remus asks everyone who nods including Sky. Fred then takes Sky to the side, away from everyone as they begin heading outside to leave to Privite Drive.

"Skylar here's the thing- I need you to stay here with Mom and Ginny" Fred tells Skylar looking down at her with a serious expression. Sky looks at him confused.

"What are you talking about? I'm going to help you guys get Harry-" She begins but Fred cuts her off.

"No Skylar you're not. I know you just want to help but it's just too dangerous, I love you far too much to make you go and risk your life out there. Especially with your dad out there possibly- I don't want you to have to face him- especially not like this" Fred tells Sky in a kind tone. Sky looks at him even more confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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