The Gift

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Sky and Ginny finished up Ginny's essay, got some lunch and then just hung out for a little while talking about Ginny's relationship with Dean and other drama going on in Hogwarts. Sky was never one to spread rumors but hearing a bit of gossip here and there didn't hurt. They did each others nails like they normally did when catching up and one they dried the two went to Ron and Harry's room.

They all took turns Playing wizards chest. Ron ended up beating each one of them.

Soon after Mrs Weasley called for Dinner which ended up being a small party for Sky. As much as Sky wanted her father to be their she knew he had work but he did send her a scarf for her birthday.

Once they all ate the cake everyone went to bed seeing that tomorrow would be a big day with Remus and Tonks coming over for Christmas.

Though Ginny, Ron, and Harry all stayed up for a while longer.

Sky walks up stairs a few minutes till midnight seeing that she was getting a bit tired. She said goodnight to her friends and went up to her and Fred's room where she was met by Fred sitting on his bed but then getting up quickly when noticing Sky.

"Hey Fred, what are you still doing up?" Sky asks placing her book on her bed and

"I was waiting for you" Fred tells the girl. Sky looks over to him then a bit confused

"What's going on? Are you ok? Did I do something?" Sky questions.

"I'm fine, nothings wrong you didn't do anything. I just almost forgot to give you your gift." Fred adds walking over to the girl.

"Oh- I almost forgot too" Sky states as Fred stands right in front of her looking down.

"Skylar. I've been in love with you since the yule ball, probably even longer than that to be honest. I don't care if I have go spend my whole life chasing you, I could give a damn less if your father approves or anyone else fot that matter. I will never stop loving you" Fred tells the girl. Fred had confessed his love to Skylar a thousand times. Wether it be in front of the whole school or just passing by her in the halls, though something felt diffrent this time.

Before anything else can be said Fred gently places a kiss on Skylar's lips

Skylar's eyes widen slightly for a second before dropping down as she melts into the kiss.

She guesses her heart finally did win that battle.

A faint chiming of a clock could be heard from downstairs signifying midnight though the two take their time in parting.

Once the two's lips finally part Sky looks at Fred not knowing what to say seeing that it was her first ever kiss.

It takes Skylar a few seconds to think of what to say. So many thoughts and words swarmed threw Skylar's head as she tries to think of a a combination that would explain how she is feeling. But sometimes the simplest of answers are the most meaning full.

"Fred, I-I love you too" Skylar says simply. With a smile on her face.

Fred's smile grows into a huge grin "you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that" he says before embracing her in another kiss while hugging her at the same time.


"Oh my godric!" Ginny exclaims with joy as she hugs Skylar who had just told the red head girl Her and Fred were finally dating. "Yes yes yes! Finally I knew he had something planed for your birthday who all knows?" she adds.

"Well, currently, you, Fred, and me. Though I think Fred is telling Harry and Ron now, I'm not completely sure" Skylar admits.

"Wait so what did you two do after?" Ginny asks.

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