The Third and Final Task

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(Three weeks later)

Fred asked Skylar out several more times and each time she told him no. Sometimes was a simple 'Wanna go on a Date?' And other times it was him interrupting her Transfiguration class just to ask her out with a box of chocolates and a huge boukay of flowers. He got detention for doing this but after McGonagall smiled to herself mumbling something about James and Lily.

Him asking her out had become so known around the school that after the tenth time in a day everyone had kinda gotten used to it.

Sky lost count after the thirty-eighth time he asked her out. Snape seemed to be extra bitter towards the twins, especially Fred. Apparently he had given Fred two weeks of detention for Dropping his quill in class and having to go pick it up.

You'd think this alone would be enough to make Fred give up and move to another girl, but somehow he wasn't budging.

Other than that, Sky was preoccupied with trying to Cram in some last minute preparation for Harry seeing that the next task was in a few minutes.

"Are you sure your ready?" Sky asked Harry a bit worried, she had been preparing both Harry and Cedric for three weeks and as thankful as they were for her they were going to be glad she was done with bugging thr two on all the studying.

"Yes Sky. I'd get your seat because I don't think Ron and Hermione will be able to fight everyone off forever" Harry states. Skylar nods before giving Harry one last hug.

"Good luck, and remember our spells we worked on!" She exclaims while running out of Harry's area in the tent to go give Cedric a hug.

"Ced!" Sky exclaims getting the boy's attention. He looks over to her with a smile

She runs up and hugs him. "Good luck out their. And be careful! Oh and make sure to remember the spells we practiced" Sky tells him before letting go of the hug.

"I will see you later Sky" he says she smiles and waves.

"See you after the Tournament Cedric" She tells him before running off to get seated.

She moved threw the crowds to get to Hermione and Ron. Cheered as Harry, Cedric Viktor and Fleur all walked out.

"Seeing that Mister Potter and Mister Diggory tied for first, they both get to enter first!" Dumbledorehe exclaims as Moody tells Harry something before pushing him in front of the maze.

The entrance then appears Harry, and Cedric both walk in as the entrances close behind them.

A few seconds go by and Viktor gets let in first and after that Fluer.

By now all Sky and the rest of the crowd could do was wait.

"I hope their going to be ok in there" Sky tells her friends as she watches the maze a bit. Hermione nods in agreeance

"I'm sure they will. I mean Sky, you basically beat all the information you could find about the Maze and spells into their brains so their sure to be ok" Ron says surely.

A while goes by and Fleur gets taken out of the contest. She looked to be badly injured based on the cuts and bruises all Over her body.

"Oh no, I hope she's ok" Sky say as the medic patches her up.

It's not long till the next person it taken out of the maze. Viktor was standing their looking horrified and beaten up. By now Sky was even more anxious at what was happening.

Would her friends be ok? What was taking them so long? It had already been and hour shouldn't the task be over by now? What if they were lost?

She began to feel like she did on during the second task and she really wished Fred was with her to help her calm down like before but he wasn't so she had to just try and clam herself.

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Where stories live. Discover now