The Execution

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Harry, Ron, Hermione and Sky all begin to Hagrids hut passing by the executioner on the way

They begin to head down to the path leading to the hut.

"I can't believe their going to kill Buckbeak, it's just to horrible" Hermione says. Sky nods in agreeance.

"Just got worse" Ron exclaims motioning over to The field near the path. Sky walked out from behind Harry to see Draco, Crabb and Goyal all standing near the Stones waiting for Buckbeaks execution.

"Did I tell you father said I could keep the Hipogriff's head" Draco said to his friends laughing. This filled Sky with more rage then she had ever experienced before as she glared at the bleach blonde haired boy.

The four run up to the boys.

"Ah, come to see the show?" Draco says in a taunting tone. Hermione quickly pulled out her wand

"You, you foul loathsome evil little Cockeroach!" She exclaims pointing the wand at Draco's neck making Draco scared

"Hermoine no! He's not worth it" Ron says almost half heartedly as Hermione pointed her wand at Draco's neck. Sky stood next to Hermione. Normally she would say it was never good to resort to violence, but now in Sky's mind, Draco really deserved it

She stood their letting Draco squirm a bit before backing up.

Draco let out a laugh making Sky lose it. If Hermione wasn't going to do something to shut him up she was. And before Skylar could stop herself and truly think this threw, Sky punched Draco straight in the nose making him fall in the ground in pain and Surprise Goyal and Crabb grabbed Draco's arms and pulled him up to the Castle.

"Bloody hell Sky" Ron states. Sky stood there finally comprehending what she had just done.

"That was brilliant" Harry says with widen eyes "I never knew you had that in you" he adds

"Neither did I" Sky admits. Hermione smiles at her friend.

She must say. It felt kinda good yet not so much. She Normally went against fighting or any violent things but it was as if her body moved without her brain making her do it.

"Let's go" Hermione says looking over to Hagrids hut. The four then ran down to The hut passing by Buckbeak who was laying in the pumpkin patch calmly As a loose chain hung from his neck. Sky looked at the creature with Sympathy before they went into the hut.

Hagrid let then all in. He was hiding his happy mood he normally was sad mood with a smile trying to seem like he was fine. Which made Skylar feel even worse for him and Buckbeak. The poor creature didn't deserve to die in such a cruel way because of a scratch.

She would never understand how people who could sentence Buckbeak to death for something like that can sleep at night

"Why don't we just set him free?" Harry asks. Hagrid sighs

"They'll know it was me and Dumbledore would get into trouble. He's coming down you know, Dumbledorehe says he wants to be with me when, it happens." Hagrid states. "Great man Dumbledore"

Hagrid then turns around to the other three

"Well stay with you too Hagrid" Sky Exclaims.

"You'd do no such thing! Think I want you seeing something like that?" He asks rhetorically.

"No you all should be off. Oh and before you go Ron," Hagrid begins walking over to his counter and grabbing something then giving it to Ron

"Scabbers!" Ron exclaims holding the rat Closes to him. "Your alive!" He adds

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