A Christmas Gift

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(December 22nd)


"Didn't you hear?" Hermione questions the girl she shakes her head now getting a bit more concerned and confused. "Mr Weasley was attacked, he ended up in the hospital last night, he's at Padfoot's place but he almost died last night" Hermione states making Skylar's eyes widen.

"Oh my god, is he going to be alright?" Sky asks Hermione who nods.

"Yeah but if Harry didn't have that Dream he would have been dead" Hermione adds. Making Jsy look at her confused once more but before she could ask anything Hermione Clearifies "Oh, you probably don't know about the dream then either. Last night Harry had a vision like dream with a snake that was attacking Mr Weasley. They checked on him to see he was right" Hermione explains.

Sky looks down for a second taking it all in "that must be terrifying. Is Fred, Ron, George, Ginny, and Mrs Weasley all ok?" She questions. Hermione nods.

"Appearently Harry is with them either Padfoot." Hermione tells her. Sky nods and the two sit in silence for a while before Sky decides to take a small nap though she slept for a little while till they got to the station where Hermione left with her parents and Kreature stood their waiting for Sky to bring her to the house.

"Mistress Skylar, are you ready for Kreature to bring you home?" He asks her after bowing.

"Yes Please" Sky says with a smile as she holds her trunk Kreature grabs onto the girls hand and Apparates them to Number Twelve Grimmuald place with the snap of his fingers.

"Kreature will take your Trunk now Miss, the blo- everyone else is in the living room" he states stopping himself from saying blood traitors seeing that Skylar asked him not to call them that. She nods and quickly heads into the living room as Kreature takes her bags up stairs.

Once she enters the living room she sees Fred, Georg, Ginny, Ron Mrs and Mr Weasley, Harry, and Sirius.

"Skyar!" Fred who notices the girl first exclaims getting up from his seat and going to hug her.

Sky gives Fred a quick hug before turning to everyone else.

"I am so sorry I didn't know about what happened, I would have gotten here sooner but I was just told on the train so I couldn't get here any quicker, oh and Mr Weasleyfo you need any potions for pain or to help with the healing?" Sky asks the older Redhead who was sitting in his chair all bandaged up. He had a black eye and many small scratches that were patched up but his big cuts were covered by a wrap

"Oh don't worry about me Sky, I'm fine just a few scratches. Besides I was able to get these fascinating things muggles call stitches, intresing way of healing a open wound" Mr Weasley says happily as if he didn't about die the night prior.

Sky smiles "thank you though dear, your very kind to offer that" Mrs Weasley states giving the girl a hug.

(December 24th Christmas eve)

Though it was only Christmas eve they all decided to open presents early seeing that it seemed better than having to wait one more day.

It was also Skylar's 16th birthday so Mrs Weasley made sure they had a little birthday dinner.

Sky sits down at the table as everyone passes around their gifts, Skylar got a sweater from Mrs Weasley, a picture of her father and Sirius from Sirius, and a bunch of books, a very expensive quill and Ink from Fred, and a new Cauldron from Harry. She got one or two more gifts seeing that it was her birthday which she was greatful for and made sure to tell them all thank you

Sky also gave out gifts for everyone including Fred, she was able to find a potion book that included a lot of prank potions which he seemed to like, though Sky apologized a lot for not getting him something better though Fred told her he loved it asking her feel a bit better about her decision.

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