Professor Umbridge

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It had been a full week since Sky had been at the Headquarters of the order of the Phoenix. So far she had learned somethings about herself that came as a bit of a shock.

Number one, her father was Regulus Black and her mother was Samatha Evergreen. This made her the niece of Sirius Black.

Number two, she was going to be a Hufflepuff Prefect at hogwarts.

Number Three she had a house elf, named Kreature. He was her father's House elf and he is also the only reason she even knew that she was the daughter of Regulus Black.

Finally Number four, she was falling for with Fred Weasley, her best Friend's brother.

The fourth thing that she had found out was probably the thing she had known for longer but was in denial until that week. Though she admits that she's falling for with Fred to herself, there is no way she would ever admit it to anyone else, especially not Fred.

This made saying no to Fred's constant asking her out a lot harder than it should have been because now the only thing that was truly stopping her from saying yes was her father. She didn't want him to be disappointed in her.

This train ride Skylar decided to sit with Neville. He had a new plant which his grandmother had gotten him.

Sky and Neville basically talks mostly about plants for a lot of the ride but they also caught up on each other's summers too.

Once the two got of the train they run into Harry, Hermione, and Ron all waiting for a carriage.

"Hi guys" Neville tells them as he holds his plant to his chest.

"Hey Neville" the three greet him seeing that they seen Sky earlier. The next carriage arrives and Luna Lovegood, a girl from Ginny's year was already on it. Sky knew Luna from the Library and the two got along well.

"What's that pulling the carriage?" Harry asks the group who look at him a bit odd.

"Nothing's pulling the carriage Harry, it's pulling itself like always." Hermione tells the boy as they walk over to get onto the said carriage

"Your not going mad, I can see them too, your just as sane as I am" Luna tells Harry with a soft smile as she sits with the quibbler upside-down in her hands

"Hello Luna" Sky greets her friend sitting next to the girl.

"Hello" Luna says to Sky.

"Everyone this is Luna Lovegood" Sky introduces the fourth year Ravenclaw to her other friends.

"Interesting necklace" Hermione says with a small smile trying not to be awkward.

"Its a charm actually, it keeps away the nargles" Luna adds leaning in a bit

Everyone was a bit confused other than Sky who knew all about Nargles from Luna.

"I'm hungry, I hope theirs pudding" Luna adds with a smile as the carriage pulls the six away to the Castle as Ron asks Hermione what a nargle is in a whisper tone to which Hermione replies with 'no idea'

Skylar sat at the Hufflepuff table alone. She tried not to think about the fact that she would never be able to have another dinner in the Great Hall chatting with Cedric like she used to.

Dumbledore did his normal beginning of the year speach and he then introduces the new Defense Against the Dark arts teacher who was dresses in all pink with a smile that made her look a bit like a toad.

She walks up in front of Dumbledore's podium and begins to make her own speach which was odd to Sky seeing that teachers never interfered with Dumbledore's beginning of the year speach.

His Darkness, Her Light |Fred Weasley|Where stories live. Discover now