Henrik x injured!reder

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Y/n pov
I was so foolish for doing this as I kept running away from a group of guys who were shouting and gaining towards me. I kept running panting as I was out of breath but couldn't stop or I will get caught. It didn't help that my body was injured with blood running down my leg and side of my head but that didn't stop me. As I kept running I turned round in to a ally way and hid behind a dumpster as the ally way was dark and barely could see it would work as a hiding spot and losing them. I waited as I tried to control my breath and my heart covering my mouth to keep quiet. I was up against the wall crouched hearing the group of guys shout as they got closer but ran straight thinking I ran that way. Waiting for a bit keeping in my pose until their voices got further away until silence as I sigh a relief and lean back closing my eyes.

I got lucky as I was relieved I got away from them but now had to focus on my current condition. I got up wincing as I used the edge of the dumpster to get up wobbling. I waited a couple of minutes until I was stable enough and started to move limping abit. My right leg had blood running down from it as one of the guys had a knife and got the upper hand cutting the leg. I also got a bloody nose and side of my face cut with blood dribbling abit. The minor wounds was bruises on my chest and side hip but also some on her other leg but for now I was only worried with the stab wounds. I got out of the alleyway and winces every move and step I took from the wounds but had to keep moving. The pavement was lit up by the lampposts as I followed the lights towards my house. I tried to move at a quick pace in case they came back but it was difficult trying to move without the pain.

My house was at least 30 mins away on foot as my car was in the garage for now until tomorrow. I try to move more but had to stop as I lean against one of the buildings that was close. I was breathing heavily but also started to feel dizzy deciding to take a break waiting until I felt abit better. I whimper feeling a sudden pain shot through my leg as I buckle and collapse on my knees. I trembled holding my stomach as I felt my stomach twist and turn from the bruises. I knew I couldn't get home in this condition deciding to take my phone and call my friend. My hand was trembling as my eyes start to wince from the light as look at the contacts. I scroll through quickly and found the contacts of Henrik. I press the call button waiting as I held it up to my ear hearing it ring waiting anxiously and unsure. I was slowly unfocusing and focusing with my vision going blurry and my head hurting more pounding. It took a few minutes but finally heard his voice as she sighs thanking he answered. "Hey y/n what's up?" I heard his German accent come through as teared up abit. "I I need medical.....I I bleeding..." I try to speak out as my voice was panicked and slowly slurring with my eyes shutting.

I heard his voice abit but couldn't hear words as they sounded mumbled and faint. I finally passed out on the sidewalk dropping my phone as I hear it clunk and with that gone. I didn't wake up until later as my eyes opened up to a bright light in my face wincing with blurry vision. I groaned coughing abit trying to understand where I was or what happened. I tried to look round seeing I was in what look like a doctor's office. The walls were bright light greenish blue and white cabinets. The surface had medicine bottles and different equipment spread out. As I kept looking there was a computer that was on and a keyboard with mouse on the side below. There was what seemed to be a white machine beside her with a metal table filled with bandages and plasters.some of the the bandages were red bloody with some cotton wool also bloody but also washed with damp water it looked like. There were grey steel tools such as tweezers scalpel and a mirror.

I finally tried to sit up wincing though as I felt pain again go through my abdomen and hip. I look and saw my cut on my were bandage round and cleaned as the bandage look new and recently done. The bruises looked like they went down and dabbed with some sort of antiseptic or lotion not really hurting me. I checked my stomach as I looked seeing the bruises were also dabbed and cleaned making me confused and wondered. While I checked everywhere else i didn't even realise the pain wasn't really there just numb feeling. I think and realised their might have been numbing cream or pain killer given to her for the bruises and cuts before they got bandaged. This was still confusing as i was on the sidewalk and now in a doctor's or hospital office where someone helped her. I go to move of a blue puffy bed to try and find whoever did this or figure where I was. I begin to move off the bed swinging to the edge of the bed gripping the sides of the bed and looked thinking of a way to get down without hurting myself.

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