where it begins

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Looking with narrowed eyes and anger fueling him, Mr. Vauno eyed this person up and down to then bare his teeth.
Moving and quick he went to then to place his hand to there throat to push all the way to a near by wall to then move them up.
"You are not going anywhere! I've had enough of this! Everything about you has always belonged to me!"
The person struggled to then place his hands to Mr. Vauno's to scratch and dig there nails in to then start to really scrambled has there air was being cut off.
Mr. Vauno growled to then shake his head.
"I will not lose you!"
The other screamed has Mr. Vauno placed his canines into his shoulder to lap up the blood to then close his eyes and tight to remember a few years prior.
Tilting his head, Mr. Vauno moved sterile equipment about a person who was fully under to then gather what he needed, taking it out he then placed it beside himself to then move his hands up to watch a nurse start to clean and sew up.
Mr. Vauno darted his eyes to watch this to then turn to go to the back room to then take off his gloves to then go to a sink to wash his hands.
Two other nurses came in to eye over him.
"That was excellent work Dr. Vauno."
He nodded to then turn off the faucet to then grab a paper towel to dry has he eyed the action.
He then turned to leave.
The nurses looked to the other to sign.
"That Dr. Vauno is so handsome and really..... Beyond words. I kind of wish he wasent a vampire and engaged."
"What does being a vampire have to do with anything?" The second nurse giggled.
"My mother and father would flip."
They both continued to laugh.
Going about the hallways, Dr. Vauno went to a room to then grab a chart to go through it to make a face. This patient had stage 4 cancer.
Dr. Vauno went inside to then stop to raise an eye brow.
"Nurse what are you to be doing?"
The nurse turned there head to look to him has they sat to the edge of the bed to look Dr. Vauno up and down to then turn there head back to eye down.
"I'm playing a card game with I think a cheater." He lightly laughed.
"I'm not cough cough cheating." They laughed.
Dr. Vauno stepped closer to eye the patient.
"I believe this is enough activity for today, you need your rest."
The patient signed to then lay there head to the pillow to look up at there doctor.
"Please..... One more game..... My..... Parents don't come and visit anymore....."
The doctor shook his head.
"I am very apologetic, however you need to gather your strength."
The nurse turned there head to look to the doctor.
"Have you've not read the chart?"
The doctor looked to this nurse narrowly.
The nurse rolled there eyes to then look back to the patient.
"Seems the doctor is not good with names, I'm Mr. Tamura. Let's finish this game."
Dr. Vauno stepped to the nurse.
"This patient needs there rest."
Mr. Tamura placed down another card from there hand.
"They will receive it after we finish." Mr. Tamura smiled.
The patient darted her eyes.
"Please Dr. Vauno."
The doctor kept his composer to nod to then wrap his arms about to eye.
The patient smiled to then turn there head forward to finish the game.
Once it was done, the doctor watched over the nurse who took there vitals for them to then leave, the nurse made a face has the doctor placed his hand to his arm to then pull him about to go to a room to then look then up and down.
"Professionalism is needed for these types of patients, you ever act has you did today I will take it to the higher ups do you understand me."
Mr. Tamura rolled his eyes to then take back his arm to look the doctor over.
"This little girl is dying of cancer and she just wanted to play a game since it looks like her parents can't deal with that fact."
They then stepped closer to the doctor.
"I really don't care if you go to the higher ups for something like this. Your kind can help patients like this yet you do nothing but let them die."
Dr. Vauno narrowed his eyes.
"There is an order to things."
Mr. Tamura scoffed to then roll his eyes to then go about the doctor.
The doctor looked up to shake his head a bit, all his life he came across humans like this.
Turning he needed to go back to work.
After a 36 hour shift, Dr. Vauno left the hospital, to be too the doors to then turn his head has he heard a noise to then shake his head has he saw across the way that nurse to be too his car door with his head hung to be smoking a cigarette.
The doctor rolled his eyes to then go forth to go inside his car to place his bag to the passenger seat to then leave, to think about the hyprocrital nurse.
Parked, the doctor got out to go to then stand before a door to then knock, bringing down his hand he then watched has his fiance opened the door with smiles.
A bit later, they were sitting to the edge of the bed has he had his hands to his lap to have his canines into her neck to lap up her blood.
She couldn't help but to moan, she then grabbed at his hand to place to her private area.
"Ah tharn..... Can you...... Touch me while you..... Can we..... Take our relationship to the...."
Tharn retracted his hand to then take his canines out to move his head back to look over her.
"You need to stay a virgin, makes the blood taste very sweet."
She signed to look down.
"I really want to...."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then get up, she looked to his back.
"I am going to adjourn to my place for tonight, I have a lot of paperwork to catch up with."
"Tharn please......I know you do not sleep but can you stay here?"
Tharn shook his head to leave. She signed to then flop to the bed to look to the ceiling.
The most sought after doctor of his field and I got him...... Need to be happy about that at least.
Going to his car, tharn drove off without any facial expression to then go to his place has he continued to live his melancholy life, until sudden events were going to come about.

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