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Hours past by as the two practiced both focused on doing their own thing.

Well nicki was focused while beyonce was fighting the urge to look at her every seconds.

She didn't know what it was, it felt the girl had a hold on her.

But that would be crazy right ? She just met this girl a few hours ago. Plus she has a girlfriend that she loves.

Is what she keeps telling herself.

Nicki on the other hand isn't worried about a thing. She know how to play her cards and she knew it wouldn't be long before beyonce was begging to be between her legs.

"Ok we're gonna run through this one more time and then everyone can go" the dance coach said and all the dancers sighed in relief.

Beyonce rolled her eyes knowing that the drumline couldn't leave until the band director said we could and it's no telling how long that would take.

She was already tired from staying up the previous night doing grown folk stuff with jatavia.

They played the cadence again and nicki started dancing the parts she was just taught flawlessly due to it being still fresh in her brain.

Beyonce watched the girl intensely while drumming her part. She couldn't help the dirty thoughts that flooded her mind.

Thinking about having onika bent over and rubbing her through her shorts until they're soaked or making her ride her face until she physically couldn't take any more.

She imaged her moans and her sex faces while she-

"SILK !"

Beyonce jumped out of her nasty thoughts looking at the section leader "Huh ?"

"Huh ?! You messed that whole part up, now everybody has to start over" he said and lip smacks went around mainly from the dancers.

"Oh sorry.. I uh, I got distracted by my thoughts" she apologized still trying to mentally get herself together.

"I don't give a damn about yo sorry ! Drop !" he commanded.

Beyonce huffed taking her drum off and got down on her stomach. He blew his whistle four times starting her off and she lifted her body up.

"One sir, two sir, three sir" she counted until she got to twenty then she stopped holding herself in the push up position.

"Hurry up and strap up" the section leader said and she quickly got up rushing to put her drum on.

"Lets try it again" he said tapping it off.

They started playing again and this time beyonce made sure not to even glance at the very attractive girl in the room.

Nicki noticed this making her roll her eyes.

'Why she gotta play hard to get ?' she thought to herself. 'I mean it's not like her and the bitch gone last forever so why not just come to me'

When they got done playing all the dancers started to gather their stuff while the drumline took a break for water.

"Man that girl was checking you out the WHOLE time" beyonce crab brother breezy aka chris said to her.

"Exactly. But she wanna be loyal" robyn rolled her eyes.

She don't understand why she stressing over being loyal. In her eyes girls is always gone be there so why just have one ?

But beyonce was determained to stay loyal and not hurt her girlfriend so she didn't let theirs words get to her.

"I'm tired" nicki huffed walking out the auditorium.

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