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"Everybody needs to be at the school by 4:30 tomorrow. We're leaving out at 5 and you WILL get left" the band director said while everybody tiredly gathered their stuff.

Beyonce groaned rolling her eyes while grabbing her backpack. "Y'all we doing a all nighter at jatavia house who all coming ?" Mini asked walking up to the drumline.

Beyonce gasped in excitement since when they do all nighters it usually be fun as hell.

Nicki who had no idea of what bey just found out walked up to her girlfriend smiling "Hi baby"

Bey looked over and frowned remember Nicki and jatavia got beef so she probably couldn't go to the all nighter.

Nicki on the other hand felt a pinch in her chest seeing she made beyonce smile leave.


Nicki rolled her eyes at the dry response walking away heading to her car with hurt feelings. She got in then remembered she rode here with beyonce making her groan.

Beyonce sighed following her "Slick where you going ?!" One of her drumline brothers called out.

"I'll be back !" She responded. She walked all the way to the car where she found Nicki frowning playing a game on her phone trying to take her mind off things.

"What's wrong ?" Beyonce asked and Nicki huffed.

"If you wanna be with jatavia just say that. Don't waste my time" she responds dryly ignoring all her feelings.

Beyonce noticed the sad look she had and sighed getting in the car.

Nicki ignored not looking up from her phone so beyonce grabbed it. "Mmcht stop playing give me my phone"

"I love you"

Nicki froze up hearing her say that then scrunched her face "No you don't"

"I really do" bey said honestly. "Well then why when you seen me you frowned ?"

"I frowned because they was talking about doing a all nighter at jatavia house. I was planning on going but when I saw you I remember you and her don't like eachother so I couldn't go"

Nicki sighed heavily and kept quiet for a few seconds thinking.

"Go ahead beyonce"

"Go ahead what ?" Beyonce asked confused. "Go to the sleepover thing"

"I don't have to go" she said shaking her head. "It's fine. I'll just go home and give pumpkin a bath"

"Ok.. Are you sure ?"


It went quiet for a few seconds with beyonce just staring at Nicki. "you didn't say it back" she whispered.

Nicki scolded herself turning to beyonce. "I love you baby. I love you a lot" she said pecking her lips.

"Do you really ?" "Yes. I really really do" Nicki said and bey couldn't stop the smile from forming.

"Go have fun with your friends". Beyonce nodded opening the car door about to get out.

"Bey" nicki called out making her look back. "Don't do nothing stupid ok"

"I won't"


Onika pov:

My alarm went off for me to wake up and I huffed grabbing my phone.

I turned the alarm off and looked at my phone having new messages from an unknown number.

I opened them seeing it was a picture of beyonce being laid up with jatavia. The thing that really got my attention was it looked like jatavia didn't have any clothes on making my eyes go wide.

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