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Beyonce walked in with a smile on her face and a plate of breakfast in her hand.

Nicki who was under the covers extremely sad was trying her best to go back to sleep. Knowing that she couldn't dance for the rest of the season had her bummed out.

"Baby I got breakfast in bed" beyonce said smiling.

Nicki peeked from under the cover looking at her "you can't cook pook"

"I bought it crazy" beyonce said walking over and putting the plate down next to her

Nicki sat up with a smile "Thank you baby"

"You're welcome. Do you need anything else ?" Beyonce said getting up.

Nicki shoot her head starting to eat while beyonce went moved her crutches and wheel chair over by the bed where she would be able to reach.

"You about to go to school ?" Nicki asked with a frown. "Yea, then after my morning class I'll come bring you some food"

"Bey you don't have to do all this, im not handicapped" Nicki said not wanting her to feel like she had to do it.

"i wanna take care of you"bey said softly. She felt horrible knowing how it feels to not be able to do what you love.

Nicki smiled "ok"

"You gone miss me ?" Beyonce asked sitting in the bed. "Yesss. But I'm gonna have a distraction because you know I have to do hair today"

Beyonce frowned immediately "You can't do hair with your knee like that. The doctors said re-"shhh" she put her fingers in my lip.

"I need that money."

"I got money" beyonce said. "You don't have a job beyonce"

"Yes I do. How you think I get money ?" She scrunched her face.

"I don't know.. I never thought about it. What do you do ?" Nicki asked. "I sale clothes onika. You really didn't know this ?"

"Mm mm.. you have a partner ?" Onika asked never seeing her do it. "Yea. Me, DC, and Robyn. We haven't really been making none lately though" she shrugged

"Anyway-"No ! No anyway" Nicki cut her off.

"I wanna see" she smiled. "I'll bring something back" beyonce said getting up.

"I'm gonna wrap your knee before I leave" she said walking over to where she stored everything for Nicki. She grabbed her wrap and went over taking the cover off Nicki making her flinch.

"Be careful baby" she said reaching her hands down. "I know, I don't know wanna hurt you" beyonce said gently lifting her foot on a pillow.

Nicki watched her on edge the whole time afraid to feel any bit if that pain she felt when her knee first sprained.

Beyonce very gently wrapped the wrap around her knee making it firm and tight. Nicki winced a little making beyonce glare.

"You ain't took yo medicine" she said walking away. "I be forgetting" Nicki mumbled laying back down.

Beyonce went and got her pills and a water bottle then gave it to her. "I'll see you later" she said giving her one last kiss before she walked away.

Nicki pouted wanting to stay with her girlfriend but sucked it up deciding to sleep the day away until she had to do hair.


"I heard Nicki fucked her knee up" robyn said while her and beyonce was sitting in class.

"Yea she messed it up dancing" beyonce said writing the notes down. Robyn just takes pictures and do them later but bey will forget to do it so she does it in class.

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