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Nicki walked through the store with her girlfriend who had a attitude at the moment.

Nicki didn't care though she was just happy to be with the girl.

Her and jatavia have been beefing heavily but Nicki won't fight because of beyonce.

She's just waiting for the girl to cross the line so she can whoop her ass.

"I wanna goooo" Beyonce groaned not in the mood to be grocery shopping.

"Mhm" Nicki hummed paying her no mind while she grabbed dog food.

Beyonce was only upset because Nicki wasn't letting her put candy in the basket. Nicki wasn't budging though she wasn't going to spoil the girl.

"Can I go in the car ?" Beyonce asked mugging Nicki.

"Nope" Nicki said walking towards the fruit. "Pick you out some fruit"

Beyonce smiled not so much upset about the candy because she liked fruit more.

"I can get a lot ?"

"Get however much you want baby" Nicki said focusing on getting the vegetables.

Beyonce did exactly what she said stuffing all kinds of fruits in the basket.

"You better eat all that too" Nicki said not wanting her money to be wasted.

"I will. Can I get juice ?" Beyonce said bouncing around some.

"What are you supposed to say ?" Nicki raised her eyebrow. She's been working on beyonce manners so she don't have to snatch her up all the time.

She got tired of beyonce just snatching stuff and walking away without saying thank you or demanding things and getting mad when she got told no.


"Go ahead" Nicki said and beyonce was about to sprint off but she was grabbed quickly.

"You bet not run around this store" Nicki warned.

"I'm nottt" Beyonce dragged out. She was definitely about to run around the store.

Nicki let her go and she walked until she was out of sight. She double checked before sprinting off.

She went to the isle with the drinks grabbing a bunch of juice, lemonade, and Gatorade.

When her hands was full she ran off.

While running she bumped into somebody and lost  her balance falling landing on her wrist.

"Owww ow owww" she whined kicking her legs.

"You need to watch where the hell you going" rashad jatavia bestfriend said.

"You tripped me !" Beyonce yelled at him both mad and in pain.

"Girl ain't nobody trip to ass" Rashad mugged her but in reality he did.

Nicki could hear beyonce yelling so she followed where the noise was coming from.

"Yo ass shouldn't never been running around the store ! Grow up and stop acting like a kid !" Rashad yelled at a teary face beyonce.

"I am grown you whale built bitch !" Beyonce yelled back and Nicki walked up getting in front of her.

"You need to watch how you talking to her" Nicki said ready to fight.

Beyonce was behind Nicki crying and holding her throbbing wrist "nickii can we goo"

"Bitch who is you talking to ?" Rashad said looking around.

"You nigga. Know who to play with !" Nicki said getting in his face wanting him to touch her.

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