Great Power No Responsibility

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Y/n: Holy shit!

You are currently hanging from the roof of your room with only one hand on it. You relax your muscles and return to the ground. You keep your surprised face and look at your hands.

Y/n: How is this possible? I didn't get bit by a spider. Did I?

Spiderman said that's how he got his powers. Well, that's what he told the press. Maybe he was lying? You jump on your roof feet first and put your hand on your chin, thinking about all the possible ways this could've happened.

Then you remember the seizure. Maybe it didn't just alter your pubescent genes but maybe your Mutant genes. No that doesn't make sense, Mutants can only develop one power at one stage and you think several powers kind of rule that out.

But you can't be a Mutate because nothing happened to you. You didn't get hit with cosmic rays like Mr fantastic. You didn't get exposed to gamma radiation like the Hulk. You don't get it.

You suddenly hear footsteps walking upstairs so you quickly jump down from the roof. Since the half an hour that's passed you've been able to explore your powers and look fashionable while doing so in a black-on-black suit. You were just surprised it didn't tear.

You head down the stairs hopeful to meet your mom halfway down but she's not there. You look around the dining room and living room but she's nowhere to be seen. Just then you hear the front door open. You must have heard her walk up the building stairs l, sooo you also have enhanced earshot. Sweet.

MJ: Well don't you look handsome?

She had a paper bag full to the brim with groceries. You kind of just smile not sure what to say. "I've got spider man powers mom. Please don't tell anyone"

Y/n: Thanks. Mom. Um. I should probably get to that ball now. Will Dad already be there?

MJ: Oh yeah I'll drive you there.

She sets down her bag at rummages her other bag for her car keys.

Y/n: No that's fine I'm going to get a ride with Miles' mom.

You start to head towards the door while talking.

MJ: Oh, ok have fun but not too much fun. I Love you.

You turn to look at her and repeat her.

Y/n: Yeah, love you too.


You eventually reach the big city hall, while also finding out you have heightened stamina. I don't think you stopped one time for a breath. You see a huge line pouring out of the hall and you groan. It'll take you forever to get inside now. Well I mean if there wasn't a window on the top floor.

You slowly drop from the ceiling of the empty room. And when I say empty. I mean completely empty not even paint on the drywall. You button up your blazer before opening the door to exit the room and find yourself at the side of the ball just next to the main stage.


You quickly shrugged off a hand which barely touched your shoulder.

Peter: Woah there kid just me.

You sigh in relief and hug your dad which he accepts and hugs back.

Y/n: It's good to see a familiar face I've been wandering around like a lost duck for ages.

You lie in hopes of concealing the truth. Your dad seems to buy it and pats your shoulder.

Peter: Well sorry but I'm gonna have to leave. Need to go talk to Mr stark about something. But I think I saw Miles by the snack table.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now