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Y/n fell to the floor and landed with his legs crossed. The hardwood floor didn't soften his landing but it didn't hurt too much. He felt... smarter.

He stood up and looked down at what he was wearing. A set of blue robes with a purplish hint to it, but the thing that caught his eye was the bracelet strapped around his wrist. It had an enticing red gem in the middle of it that was cracked like it was a shard of its former self.

Wong: How was your sleeping coming along?

Y/n looked to his side to see a man of Asian descent in dark red robes with his arms crossed. Doctor Strange was next to him performing a similar gesture.

Strange: I think they call that meditation.

Wong: Pretty sure he was sleeping.

Y/n: Um, I'm right here.

Strange: We know. So what's the difference between meditation and sleeping?

Y/n rolled his eyes as the two debated back and forth in the background. He noticed they wore golden rings on their index fingers but he lacked one.

Strange: Okay, agree to disagree.

Wong: No.

Y/n: Guys, have you seen Illyana?

The two returned their attention to him and Strange shook his head.

Strange: Haven't seen her.

Wong: I think she's in the library, Sorcerer Supreme.

Strange discreetly smacked his arm which made him hold the limb in slight pain.

Wong: I must be mistaken.

Y/n squinted his eyes but shook his head.

Y/n: I don't have time for this, can you just tell me where the library is?

Strange: Where it normally is?

Y/n brought his hand up to facepalm himself but as he did Strange and Wong flew back into the wall. They landed on each other, out cold from the unexpected blow.

Y/n: How did... did I...

He raised his hand again and a bookshelf went flying into the wall, the books inside falling out of their respective slots.

Y/n: Right. Magic. I've got this. Just need to make a portal to the library. Wherever that is. So... portal!

He held out both his palms but nothing happened. He tried again repeating his phrase but still nothing.

Y/n: Ugh how does he make portals?

He frustratingly waved his hands about and was surprised when he saw a flicker of orange appear for a second. He repeated the same random motion until the orange flickered again.

Y/n: Okay, we're getting somewhere.

He moved his hand in a circular motion and the orange flickered to make a large circle, inside was what looked like a library. Books everywhere and in different sections of the large room.

As soon as he let down his hand, the portal closed. He did the gesture again and held it as he walked through the orange portal. He stopped it when he was fully through and in the library.

Y/n: Woah. Someone really likes their books.

He looked down a section but it looked infinite, like it had no end.

Y/n: Illyana!?

There was silence. It was unnerving. When silence is loud, you know something is out of place.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now