Between A Rhino And An Alien

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Miles: What's cookin' good lookin'

You just wave off Miles's sarcastic compliment. He had asked you to meet him at the empire state building a few minutes ago and in costume, you came.

Y/n: So what do we do now?

Miles: Now, we listen to this bad boy and we swoop in and save the day.

He gestures to a radio that was emitting scratchy police chatter. You move to sit down on the edge of the building and put your hand on your head.

Y/n: Thought you said you guys got reprimanded for this stuff.

Miles moves to sit next to you.

Miles: Eh, Yelena just made us go on patrol in pairs now.

Y/n: Yelena?

You tilt your head in confusion. You Hadn't met a Yelena yet but you would bet your lucky dollar that she is Russian.

Miles: She is basically our babysitter, she comes to the compound every once in a while to check up on us.

You nod your head and go to ask another question before the police chatter gets louder.

Radio: Getting reports of a break-in to 112 Calvins sweet rocks Heavy force has been used In the robbery, proceed with caution.

It suddenly stopped which makes Miles pull his mask to make it a little tighter and jumps up from his seat also giving you a hand up.

Miles: Time to go to work brother.

He jumps off with a flashy turnaround before you join him with a front flip off of the building.


Y/N: Hey guys the jewel store is closed on Thursday you'll have to come back tomorrow.

All of the men in ski masks shockingly turn towards you leaning up against the counter.

Bad guy 1: Hey it's Spiderman!

Bad guy 2: It's the new one relax.

The second guy who spoke slowly walks towards you. He had a crowbar hidden behind his back which you had noticed due to your senses.

Bad guy 2: If you leave now we promise not to break too many of your bones.

He spoke in a mocking tone which made the guys in the back laugh. You chuckle as well before explosively vaulting over the counter and kicking the man in the chest which sends him barreling towards the others.

Bad guy 1: Get him!!

One of the men dives towards you and you roll under him and kick him to the ceiling before webbing him there.

Y/n: Who's next?


???: I would like to participate, little spider.

You felt a hand wrap around your body before getting thrown through the store window, shattered pieces of glass pierce your suit as you roll back into a crouched position.

Rhino walks out of the window you went through as he speaks.

Rhino: What's wrong little Spider? Did I hurt you?

You stand up and raise your fists before replying.

Y/n: The only thing you can do to hurt me is continuing to wear that dumbass suit, you look like a mascot for a kid's birthday party.

Rhino gets mad and scrapes his foot preparing to charge while you signal to Miles who was crawling on the wall just above him.

Rhino starts charging and before he reaches you, Miles webs the back of his legs which makes him fall forward. Right into your uppercut.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now