The King Of Bowling Pins?

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Miles: We should probably run through this one more time.

Kate: I think it's pretty clear.

Laura: Then what are we waiting for?

Y/n: No Miles is right, we should go over the plan one more time.

The group was crowded around a small table, all with their respective suits on. On the table was a small blueprint of an underground bunker.

Felicity gave Y/n the address like before but one surprising fact came to light and that was that she never had a trip to Switzerland, meaning she lied to him in the past timeline. Strange indeed.

However, this meant that she was happy to accompany him on his mission to finally meet and capture the Kingpin of crime along with Miles, Kate, Laura, and Jean.

Y/n: Fisk is gonna be here.

Y/n pointed at the office-like room right at the bottom of the blueprint.

Miles: Most likely with a group of guards watching his every move.

Laura: That's why we use the element of surprise. Miles will enter the secret elevator used by Fisk's goons and clear the way using his invisibility.

Kate: Then we get into this lobby-type room here.

Kate pointed at the middle of the blueprint, the bow strapped to her back ruffled slightly.

Y/n: From there we split up into 2 groups. Me, Miles, and Felicity will go through the east hall and end up at the storeroom while Jean, Kate, and Laura will go west and towards the security to turn off any alarms or trespass measures.

Kate: I think we should have Miles. I mean, in terms of stealth, the second team has a telepath and someone who screams when they're about to attack. No offense Laura.

Laura: None taken.

Kate: But on the first team you have two people who can climb walls and a cat burglar. The scales aren't exactly equal.

Y/n: Okay, team 2 will take Miles. Felicity and I will clear the storeroom together.

The others nodded their heads at the idea but Kate was still unsatisfied.

Kate: Then the teams are odd. I'll swap with Miles, I'm better at clearing rooms anyway.

Felicity: I don't see a problem with that.

Kate shot a small glare over at the Black Cat who caught the end of it. Felicity grew a smirk and double-checked her theory by brushing over Y/n's hand.

Felicity: Do you, Y/n?

Y/n: No. That sounds good, means we have equal team's again.

Felicity's theory seemed to irritate Kate as she huffed and crossed her arms, looking away from the girl.

Miles: Once the cameras are off, the teams will regroup in the "Developing room". Then all of us minus Y/n will cause a distraction in this region. This will cause all of Kingpin's thugs to gravitate to this general area which gives an open window for Y/n to sneak into Kingpin's safe room and confront him.

Laura: What about his special guard? We still don't know who they are.

Kate: My bet would be on Hammerhead. The two have always been close and he's been MIA since last Christmas.

Y/n: Whoever they are I'm sure they'll go to deal with you guys. If not, I'll be in for a good fight. Now, is everyone clear on the plan? Good. Let's go take down a King of bowling pins or whatever his nickname is

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