A Scorpion Walks Into A Bar With A Vulture On It's Shoulder

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The explanation for running late to such a high-class school was unexpected, to say the least. I mean, who runs late to Horizon High?

Nevertheless, you sat down on one of the desks near the back of the classroom, close to Miles who had a notebook out and a pencil behind his ear.

Miles: Dude, how are you late?

Y/n: Complications.

You simply replied as you pulled out your books for advanced Anatomy from your backpack.

Teacher: Mr Parker, Tardiness is not allowed in my class.

Y/n: Sorry Miss Tesher I-

Miss Tesher: No excuses.

She picked up a piece of chalk and began to write on the blackboard. You leaned back in your chair and pulled a funny face at Miles who snickered.


You opened your locker to stash your books inside. As much as Horizon was developed, they sure did use normal school items. Wooden desks, lockers, and even chalk and blackboards.

Despite this, school was easy as always. The fact you had friends now and a private lab made school not only easy but fun as well. Plus no Chet or Dyslexia.

You shut the door to your locker and Kate appeared next to the door with a smile.

Y/n: Lost? Miss Bishop.

You joked and she laughed a little.

Kate: We visited 8 clubs in 4 hours last night.

You shook your head and smiled.

Y/n: Looks like 'Rich duties' were a little too easy.

She nodded and handed you something that was too scrunched up to know what it was. You took it and unfurled it to see it was your shirt from last night.

You laugh and put it in your locker before locking it with a small key and walking with Kate to the 'V.I.P room".

Most of the group was there minus Danny and Riri who you had heard were lab partners.

America: Nice of you to grace us with your presence.

America quipped as she took a bite of her PB and J. Kate took a sit next to Kamala while you leaned against the wall near America and Janet.

America held out a part of her sandwich to you but you politely raised your hand in refusal.

You looked at the ground as the others conversed around you.

For some reason, this one girl from last night was sticking in your mind and you couldn't get her out of your head.


Y/n: Kate! In gonna go and get more drinks!

Kate continued dancing as you left her side.

Kate: Okay!

You made your way through the mosh pit of people to eventually reach the bar of the club. You leaned on the counter and waited for a bartender to greet you.

It was a miracle that you got served, I mean, it was a miracle anyone got served. Around the club must have been 80% underage.

Eventually, a woman wearing a black suit, minus the blazer, wiped the bar area near you and sighed.

Bartender: What can I get you, sir?

Y/n: Vodka, straight no ice. And a pina colada

She nodded her head and went to make your drink.

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