Multiverse Without The Madness

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You pulled away as the woman tried to move closer and further the kiss.

Y/n: U-um What! Who are you? Why would you do that?

Miles: Do what?

You looked around and it seem that the room returned to normal as everyone appeared back in the spots they originally were.

They all noticed the woman and jumped from their previous positions to a somewhat battle stance, interpreting a foe was present by your reaction.

???: Oh finally.

The woman suddenly went limp and you caught her before she hit the ground. It was only now you noticed she was wearing a blue and yellow skintight suit which looked uncomfortable on her body, it also had small tears in it the most prominent being one on her thigh.

The group crowded around you holding her as they gained perplexed expressions just like you.

America: Who is she?

No one answered America. Well, at least not in the way you would expect.

???: "She" has a name.

The woman's mouth didn't move nor did any other part of her still body yet she talked clearly with a blank face.

Billy: W-who said that? Ghost?

???: Okay, ouch. No not a ghost. Well, not yet. Do you mind laying me on that couch over there?

You obeyed and moved over to the now-vacant couch due to America and Kate removing themselves from it. Her head lay comfortably on a pillow and her feet were propped up by the opposite side armrest.

You stood up and crossed your arms as you asked questions of your own now.

Y/n: Who are you? How did you get here?

???: Jean Grey, nice to meet you.

An awkward silence fell as you expected her to explain more but it never came

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An awkward silence fell as you expected her to explain more but it never came. You went to ask another question but a burning sensation appeared in your right collarbone which faltered your plan.

You fell to the floor breathing heavily as the burning felt hotter and hotter, the group turned their attention away from Jean and looked towards you with concern.

Miles: Y/n!

Miles quickly went to one knee and peeled the top half of your suit off, seeing that you were grasping near your neck while shouting in pain.

When Miles finally got the top half of your suit down he saw a mark in the shape of lips slowly etching onto your skin like a tattoo before a set of red chains, also looking like tattoos, wrapped around your body like a serpent.

The chains turned a little transparent, barely visible if it was not looked at without a second thought and the lips turned into a black X which looked like it was branded into your body.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now