Shifting Tides

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Y/n groaned as he felt the cold metallic floor pressing against his face. He tried to use his hands to lift himself off the ground but they were tied behind his back. He could hear some tapping next to him and turned to look that way.

He saw Miguel's back as he faced a large computer.

Y/n: Hey! Little help here?

Miguel slightly turned his head over his shoulder but returned back to his normal position. Y/n noticed his mask was now off which showed off his long brown hair.

Y/n rolled his eyes at the lack of help and shifted onto his back. He lifted his legs until only his shoulders were on the floor. He then performed a kip up, minus the arms, to get back on his feet.

Y/n: Thanks for the help. Now do you mind telling me what the hell is happening-

Y/n walked forward as he talked but recoiled back as he hit a once invisible orange set of bars. They disappeared after a few seconds of being visible. He groaned as he shook his head.

Miguel finally stopped tapping on his keyboard and slowly turned around. It was here, that Y/n could see his short, uncut beard similar to Mysterio's when Y/n first saw him. He walked up to Y/n with an emotionless expression.

Miguel: You're going to help me.

Y/n: Okay?

Miguel: I know you're probably confused right now.

Y/n: Very. I'm in the basement of someone I barely know and I'm tied up. Pretty much sums itself up.

Miguel tapped a device on his wrist and turned back around.

Lyla: Hey, I was in the middle of a good nap, why did you...

Miguel looked between Y/n and Miguel with a confused face.

Lyla: Oh... this seems important.

Miguel: Explain it to him, please. My voice is tired from speaking all day.

Y/n: Explain what?

Miguel continued typing on his computer as Lyla full-faced Y/n. He noticed she looked a little different than his Lyla. She had matte black hair and blue eyes but wore identical clothes.

Lyla: Hi, Y/n. I'm Lyla 2.0. That's my friend Miguel. And we'd like to inform you that the multiverse is collapsing.

Y/n: Wait, what?

Miguel: Let her finish.

Y/n remained quiet and Lyla gave a thumbs up.

Lyla: Many anomalies have been detected in Multiverse and we believe that one of them is you. So we need to figure out how to fix it.

Miguel: That's not... uhh. I'll explain it myself. You know who I am right?

Y/n nodded his head.

Miguel: Yeah well I don't know who you are. The answer? I'm Miguel from a different point in time before we met. And just that in itself is already bad.

Y/n: So you're like from the past?

Miguel: Exactly. Even though we're from different universes, time should still move in a constant state.

Y/n: And you think I'm causing this?

Miguel slammed his hand down on his desk, which echoed throughout the large dark room. The large holographic monitor read "Access denied".

Miguel: I have a team that deals with issues like this. Yesterday they all faded away and the only reason I can remember them is because of Lyla. So you're gonna help me get them back and correct the timeline.

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