It Takes A Team To Make The Dream

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I believe the phrase when getting a new mattress is "time to break in the sheets"

However, the term to "break in" a new place of operations would be to train with the new equipment which Y/n just so happened to be doing.

After Yelena introduced him to the dorm rooms, she showed him the nicknamed 'battle operations' room.

Y/n, who didn't have patrol for a few days, decided to test out this room. Unlike the training room at the compound, this new room had shiny metal walls as opposed to the white cushioned ones.

However, the holograms were of a similar variety to the previous ones, portrayed to look like robots but were in fact holograms with a blue tint every time they were struck.

The entire training room wasn't as big as the prior one, with it being half the size height-wise and slightly smaller lengthwise.

Nonetheless, Y/n took on a few holograms at a time, some mimicked the members of Sinister Six he hadn't faced yet like Rhino.

This explains why he rag-dolled through the air at breakneck speeds before eventually slamming into the metal walls.

Y/n: Oh... Ribs... Broken... Many ribs.

Y/n held his side and waved his hand to stop the simulation. The holograms took a knee before disappearing into the air.

Y/n hunched over and breathed heavily through his mouth. He frustratingly took off his mask and held it in his grasp.

He stared at particularly nothing on the ground. To any passer, it would look like he was frozen but in reality, he was deep in thought.

It had been a month and a half since the group had moved to the tower which gave Y/n plenty of time to research and investigate Wilson Fisk.

Except it was quite the opposite. Little old Wilson was a ghost. Every single page of his existence was wiped from the internet.

The only thing that remained was a few old news articles, most were written by a man named Ben Urich and dated at least a decade before Y/n was born.

All of this caused a greatly disturbed void in Y/n's thoughts. It made him feel stupid how he wasn't able to figure out the bigger picture. Making an intelligent boy feel stupid wasn't a smart thing to do.

Y/n stood up fully and controlled his breathing before exiting the room. Aforementioned, the training room was new and after nearly 2 months of staying at the tower, it fit in perfectly.

A couple of people were in the living area as Y/n passed it. Some included people he didn't recognise from the X-men.

Laura was giving the new people a tour of the tower. Jean told him about Laura's naturally occurring unsocial attitude from the limited time she met her at the mansion.

However, it seems all of that was a facade and instead she was a leader. At least, that's what it looked like to Y/n.

Kate and Miles waited for him in the kitchen as he opened the fridge each wearing their respective hero suits.

The cut near Y/n's eye made Miles stop his conversation with his colleague and look over.

Miles: Jeezus... I swear every time you heal up, the next day you've got a new scar.

Y/n took out a bottle of water and wiped the cut and the small excess of blood that came out of it. He joined the two at the opposite side of the kitchen island.

Y/n: Can't get better without getting hurt.

Kate: Can't die without a life-threatening injury. See the logic?

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