Mess With The Scorpion, Get The Stinger

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Using Vulture's guide made Scorpion easy to track. Hell's kitchen looked bleak and at an all-time low.

New York overall felt blank to Y/n these last couple of weeks, I mean, he had to fight Electro and Vulture as well as some mystery assailant that tricked both him and Wanda.

Nevertheless, Y/n swung towards an abandoned building, and his HUD bleeped indicating he was at his destination.

Attaching to the side of the building, Y/n peered into the open and cracked windows.

Nothing but darkness was on the floor Y/n looked at which made him crawl into the building from the ceiling.

It was eerily silent which made Y/n tense up. He rolled the vial of sedative in his pocket.

He had come up with a plan of sorts. Scorpion was constantly haunted by her past and the mental disorders that came with it.

Using the special sedative Y/n had created at Horizon, he could calm her down enough for the real Elaine Colls to shine through.

He had researched more about Scorpion and found out more about her previous life.

A student studying for a law degree which she eventually got before being kidnapped by Hydra and held for years before being put into the "Scorpion" procedure.

She wasn't any mercenary, that was just lies spread by the people who found it easier to blame than help her.

Liz was very lenient on the fact of not arresting her, after all, it wasn't her fault that she was a villain. This prompted Y/n to sedate her and try to negotiate with Scorpion.

Scorpion: I am lost!

Y/n quickly turned his attention to the elevator shaft, where he could hear the echoing voice of Scorpion.

Scorpion: You are not lost! Yes, I am! Wait, where are we? Did you hear that? Man in red! I said man in red!

At first, Y/n thought she was talking about him but there was no way she could see him when he was floors above her.

Y/n looked down the elevator shaft, into its black and dark abyss. He webbed a line from the ceiling of the empty shaft before grabbing the web and slowly moving down each floor.

Scorpion: What is it? Man in red? Who is he? Find him. Uncover secrets.

Scorpion's voice got louder and louder as Y/n descended down the elevator shaft. Y/n grabbed at the roof of one opening to peek through

ScorpionElaine CollPowers: Scorpion suit provides enhanced strength, stamina and flexibility

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Elaine Coll
Powers: Scorpion suit provides enhanced strength, stamina and flexibility.
Association: Sinister Six

Portrayed by Anne Hathaway

Scorpion was pacing around the middle of the empty floor, her tail spontaneously wagging in random directions.

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