Truth No More

212 8 1

Y/n: This place is so cool!

You looked around the futuristic New York as people walked down the street, some with briefcases and wearing suits and dresses and most had face masks that would be worn to prevent catching something.

Jean seemed to stare at you as you looked around in wonder at this new universe.

Y/n: Wait, America told me that all the other Earths were less advanced than ours, how is yours so futuristic?

Jean giggled a little as she pulled a phone out of thin air and turned on the screen from which you could see the date. December 19th 1998.

You recoiled in shock, this universe is 20 years behind yours yet had buildings with built-in TVs displaying adverts for various things.

Y/n: That's not possible. You're 20 years behind us yet are this advanced.

Jean: To put it simply, we have no concept of this thing you guys call religion.

Y/n: What? You don't have any religious beliefs that something exists elsewhere?

Jean shook her head.

Jean: Your people have lived with religion their whole lives, building churches, mosques, and temples. We never did that. Think of it like everything from resources to money spent on religion was spent on developing technology.

That... Actually makes a lot of sense. With no concept of religion, you would develop quicker, harsh but true.

Y/n: So where are we headed now?

Jean: We're going to go get a friend to get that cure while America and Illyana will locate Wanda.

You nod following jean down the suspiciously clean sidewalk eventually reaching an apartment building.

You went to open the door but Jean stopped you before putting her hands to her sides and floating up to an open window.

You looked confused but followed making sure your hood was up as you did. You crawled alongside the building until you reached the open window where Jean was floating.

Jean: Took you long enough slow poke.

You scoffed and she floated closer to the window and coincidently towards you before knocking on the window with a short irregular pattern.

The world around you seemed to turn blue before displaying a room with computers and other technology laying about.

You dropped to the floor with Jean as it was now solid and looked around at the empty room.

Jean: Huh, must not be in right now.

Y/n: Was that Holographic technology? I've been meaning to test that out.

Jean got closer to you as she leaned.

Jean: You're so cute when you talk smart.

You leaned back as she got closer and you took this time to ask a burning question.

Y/n: Jean, were we something on this Earth? Like, together?

Jean sighed and took a step back but kept her mischievous smile.

Jean: No. Not yet.

Y/n: Wait, what do you mean not-


Before you could finish your sentence a web thwipping interrupted you and you looked to see a man in a blue and red suit diving towards you.

Out of instinct, you dodge to the left and web the attacker to the wall by his arm while you felt a web hit you in your hand making it unable to close.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now