Evil Comes In Six

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Y/n: Lyla open the criminal database and search for a Doctor Tobert Octavius.

You were writing in the journal once more, with a new tab labelled Doc Ock. After your confrontation a week or 2 ago, you figured it would be a good idea to add him to the journal.

You lay down on the ceiling with Lyla, in hologram form, on your bed. She swiped the air which had a holographic blue screen in front of her.

Lyla: Dr Tobert Octavius, son of the infamous Docter Otto Octavius or more easily said Doc Ock who terrorised the city using Bionic, tentacle-like arms which used to traverse the city and attack his enemies.

Y/n: Like father like son I guess.

Lyla laughed a little.

Lyla: I guess so... Hold on, he has a daughter as well. Doctor Olivia Octavius.

Y/n: I know her. Or rather her studies. She worked with Stark on Nanotechnology. But people still don't like her.

You knew full well about Olivia and her contributions towards society, yet she was still prosecuted by the public simply for her father's actions.

You knew what that was like, to keep giving and giving but never receiving anything in return.

Lyla: She's been donating to Horizon recently. Electromagnetic compluse projects for seniors. Seems like a nice gal. Little shy though. Records show she attends Anti-social therapy.

Worth putting her in the journal. You never know. Your door beeped as someone rang it.

Y/n: Come in!

You shouted so the person on the other side could hear. The door slid open to reveal Jean, who funnily enough wore a pair of baggy jeans and a hoodie.

Jean: You're supposed to be in the infirmary.

She scolded but you brushed it off and carried on writing.

Y/n: Got bored. Besides I've got important work to do.

Jean: What like breaking more ribs?

You shook your head as Jean put her hands on her hips.

Y/n: Did you come here to tell me stuff I already know or what?

Jean: I came to make sure that you're alright, sorry I'm a good friend.

She said that last part in a deeply sarcastic tone. Jean looked at Lyla who was playing with her thumbs on her bed.

Jean: Hey, Lyla

Lyla: Sup, Jeanie.

Jean sighed.

Jean: Why does everyone keep calling me that?

Y/n: It's cute.

Jean looked a little flustered as you carried on writing while Lyla gave you a subtle look. It didn't help that you didn't have your shirt on with the only thing covering your upper half being some bandages.

Even though you had a healing factor, Yelena insisted that you still went through medical care, especially as your top half looked like a grape with how purple it was.

You closed the journal and threw the pen back into a pot on your desk. It landed with perfect accuracy.

You jump down which makes you hold your side a little in pain. Jean suddenly got close and held you up by your arm.

Jean: Here, let me help.

Y/n: Thanks.

She placed her hand on your chest which was a little unnecessary considering your position. Before you could even question it though, a loud blaring noise

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