Welcome To The Unknown

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Y/n: This place is amazing!

You look around the common room of the compound in wonder. You never believed you would even see the outside of this place let alone the inside.

Peter: Hmm. Funny.

You turn around and look at him in confusion.

Y/n: What?

Peter: Nothing. It's just I said the same thing when I was your age about the tower.

Peter watches you look around the common room like a kid in a candy shop.

Y/n: Do I get to meet the Avengers?

You say out of nowhere which makes Peter smile at you.

Peter: Let's get past Mom first then we can talk about meeting people.

You both moved to the hallway and entered a room which looked more like a living room. And on the couch were the people Miles and the people he had introduced you to at the Ball with some others you hadn't met.

They all turned to look at you and you gave a little wave. No one began to say anything and you looked over to Miles and he gave you a wide smile while walking over to you.

Miles: Look what the cat dragged in. How are you doing Y/n?

He held up his hand and you accept it bumping into his shoulder.

Y/n: I'm good Miles. Glad to be here.

Miles then threw his arm around your shoulders and says to Peter.

Miles: I got this Pete. I can show him around

Peter looked at first to contest this but then he looks at his phone and sees that MJ is calling him.

Peter: Ok, but don't get into any trouble. Do you understand?

Miles just throws up a peace sign as he drags you towards the couch and puts you on the side of it by the armrest.

As soon as Pete leaves back from where you came from everyone erupts into questions ranging from "Hi" to "How did you beat Rhino?"

Y/n: Whoa whoa, one at a time. You.

You point at a girl who raises her hand after everyone went quiet.

???: What's your name?

Y/n: I'm Y/n Benjamin Parker. And you are.

???: America, America Chavez. Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Likewise. Now you.

You now point to another person except this time a boy about your age.

???: Is it true? Did you defeat Rhino with only a couple of punches? Oh, and my name is William Maximoff but everyone calls me Billy.

Y/n: Nice to meet you, Billy. And yes I did beat
Rhino. Ok, you.

???: Hi the names Janet don't wear it out.

There is an awkward silence of everyone looking at her as she just stares at you.

Y/n: Was there anything else-

Janet: Do you have the same powers as your dad? And Miles?

She interrupted your sentence when you were about to finish it.

Y/n: Well I think so. I'm not sure I might have to check with someone on that. Was there anything else?

You direct your last question to everyone in the room and they all look satisfied.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now