Twin Tails

39 4 0

Y/n looked over from the edge of the building. The streetlights below lit up the city like a Christmas tree. It was a blend of yellow, white, and blue. Cars honked impatiently and pedestrians in different clothes walked past each other without a care.

Sand slowly climbed up the building until it reached the top. When there, it slowly formed into a man. Flint crossed his arms as he stood behind Y/n.

Flint: Hey Spider-guy.

Y/n: Flint...

Y/n turned around, still wary of the villain in front of him but a little more relaxed. There was a short pause of quietness until Flint spoke up.

Flint: I heard you stood up to the Kingpin. That true?

Y/n nodded which made Flint chuckle to himself.

Flint: That takes balls kid. I respect that. So I've got some information I think you want to hear.

Y/n: ...Go on.

Flint reached into his back pocket and handed over a piece of white paper. Y/n webbed it to his hands, not wanting to get closer to his enemy. He read the paper over. Y/n slowly lowered it.

Y/n: Where did you get this?

Flint: If I told you I'd probably be in some ditch the next morning.

Y/n: This... this can't be right.

Flint: That's what I thought at first. I figured you're looking for the big guy so this might help.

Y/n: What do you want in return?

Flint sighed and put his hands in his pocket as he looked to his side. The city really did look beautiful from up here.

Flint: I've fought 3 generations of Spider-Men. Quite frankly, I've had enough. Everything I've done, I've done for my daughter. So if I could just ask one favor, not as Sandman but as a father.

Y/n didn't respond which prompted Flint to continue.

Flint: I don't want my daughter to live in a world that sees her father as a criminal. So, I'm leaving, forever. All I ask is that you don't follow.

Y/n let a moment pass before he softly nodded which allowed Flint to release an exhale he didn't even realize he was holding in.

Flint: And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I only agreed to hurt you because I needed the money for my daughter's treatment.

Y/n: It's okay. I understand. You were thinking about your daughter. Any parent would do the same.

Flint nodded, his feet began to turn to sand as he slipped away.

Flint: Goodbye... Peter.

Flint slid away as Y/n turned around in confusion. He called him... Peter? Like his dad. Did he just slip up or forget who he was?

Y/n shook it off and tucked the piece of paper into his suit. He jumped off the building and swung towards the tower.


Y/n landed on the balcony and took his mask off. He went inside where the lights were obviously turned off due to it being around 2 in the morning.


He quickly turned at the sound of a crunch but lowered his guard when he saw Natalia eating some sugar cereal out of the box.

Y/n: Do you ever sleep?

Natalia: I have insomnia.

Y/n nodded and could almost relate to the feeling of restlessness, especially recently.

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