Reap What You Sow

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Y/n: Down here.

The group of Y/n's followed him down the hallway. It looked like the hallways of Kingpin's secret underground compound.

Atlas: Where are we going?

Y/n: Anywhere but here. We need to find some kind of-

He accidentally bumped into someone as he turned the corner. He recoiled back as the woman he bumped looked up angrily.

???: Hey! Watch where you're going...

Her sentence trailed off as she saw all the variants. Speaking of, they all looked frozen in fear like a child whose hand was caught in the cookie jar.

???: Seriously, Y/n? Again?

She spoke in a frustrated tone to the Y/n she bumped into.

Y/n: Yes... again.

He spoke like he knew what she was talking about in the hopes that she wouldn't sound an alarm.

???: Well, the reverter is in the control room, go get it and get rid of these guys before Mobius sees.

Y/n: Right, the control room. Which way is that again?

???: Have you been using the Soul Stone again as well? Down the hall, take a right then it's the first room on the left.

Y/n: Thanks.

He stepped to the side with the other variants and the woman walked past him, shaking her head.

???: Oh and that's me saving your ass twice now. I think you owe me lunch.

Y/n: Yeah, I sure do.

Atlas: Do you know who that is?

Y/n: No idea. But sometimes you have to play along to get by.

Castle: She mentioned a control room. Let's head there.

Karma: Good idea.

The group followed the woman's directions and eventually reached the control tool. Inside, it had loads of monitors mounted on the wall, each displaying camera footage of different things.

Moony: Cool setup.

Stark: Eh, I've seen better.

Y/n went over to the desk and tapped on the keyboard a few times but it didn't seem to be responding to his inputs.

Stark: Allow me.

Y/n moved out of his way and Stark tapped on the keyboard, this time making some progress. The screens all changed to display a regular desktop with different files.

Stark: And I'm inside the system. I'll see if I can find a way out of this place.

Atlas: Hey guys, check this out.

He pushed a large cardboard box into the middle of the room. Castle was the first to look inside and pull out an item.

Castle: Wow, never thought I'd see this again.

It was a black bulletproof vest with a white skull spray painted on the front of it. He looked at it for a few seconds before putting it on.

Atlas: Dude, no way, my threads.

Atlas pulled out a red short jacket and rocket boots before hugging them tightly, spotting something else in the box as well.

Atlas: And my guns!

He pulled out two long-barreled silver pistols that looked futuristic to Y/n. Castle tried his luck and dug into the box a little more and found an assault rifle.

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