The Hunter Of Spiders

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Redbacks could be considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. They produce the same venom as regular black widows and are twice as hard to spot. A bold name for a 5'2" fifteen-year-old girl who operates on top secret spy operations.

Although I suppose the better the name the more notorious you become. Look at Spider-Man. Y/n adopted the name and now he's on most media coverage nowadays.

Y/n: So your mom is actually your donor because her DNA was taken from her bone marrow which is what caused you to grow into an almost identical clone of her.

Natalia: Pretty much.

Y/n: That's pretty cool I guess. At least we have something in common. I'm something of a clone as well.

Before the conversation could continue any further, the police scanner started to go off.

Scanner: We have a silent alarm tripped at the 112 History Through Animals museum, can I get a unit to respond?

Y/n: You ready?

Natalia nodded and climbed on Y/n's back so that he could swing them both to the described location

Y/n: Who breaks into a museum?

After a while, Y/n landed on the roof of the museum which partly was made of glass. He looked inside and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Y/n: Hmm. Maybe a raccoon just broke in?

Natalia: I don't think a raccoon did that.

Y/n looked at where she was pointing and saw a massive hole in the glass. Unlike Black Cat, he knew whoever this was wasn't a professional due to how messily the glass was broken.

Y/n: Right. Let's investigate.

Y/n swung into the museum and landed on the floor where he was greeted by a taxidermied tiger.

Y/n: Ah! creepy.

Natalia got off his back and looked around the museum. Loads of taxidermied animals were scattered around the specific area. Each had small signs below them describing their species and what period they were first recorded to be seen as well as their predecessors.

Y/n: I hate places like this.

Natalia: You're afraid of stuffed animals?

Y/n: You're telling me this place isn't giving you creeps?

A sudden smash of something metallic made the two quickly turn towards the sound. Y/n quietly gestured for them to check it out. Y/n turned the corner but saw nothing.

Natalia: Y/n?

She pointed at a wall that had a deep claw mark embedded into it. Y/n walked over to it and put his hand against it, the claws matched up with his fingers.

Y/n: Hmm.

Suddenly a hand reached from the ground and grabbed Y/n to slam him into the ground. Y/n recovered and fell into his fighting stance. The assailant jumped up from the ground and cracked his neck.

Kraven: Hello, Spider.

Y/n: Kraven? Old buddy, you've got to tell me your skincare routine because you are looking unnaturally young.

Y/n stated the truth, Kraven looked 30 years younger. His grey hairs were replaced with dark brown strands and his wrinkled skin was now as smooth as a polished shoe. He cracked his knuckles before he equipped his small spear in one hand and a machete in the other.

Kraven: You owe me a rematch.

Kraven looked over at Natalia and scoffed.

Kraven: And whilst I'm here, there's a good price on the head of the Black Widow.

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