Like It Was Yesterday

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Self-reflection. Who am I? What have I accomplished? Why am I here? Where am I headed?

All difficult inquiries. Some would give existential crisis. But not Y/n. He knew exactly who he was. He knew what he was and what he has accomplished.

They say the world's hardest choices are impacted by your thoughts and codes. The World is difficult to understand because people look from the wrong angle or through a different ideology.

Superheroes. Now that posed an ideology. The strong protect the innocent. So who protects them? At their lowest all of them are humans. Just like anyone else.

Anyways, enough of the cryptic prophecying. It had been a couple of weeks since the fight with Rhino. Y/n stayed at Felicity's apartment as per her wishes.

After fixing his mask with the tools he could work within the apartment, he first phoned Miles and explained how he was staying at a friend's house to work on a case. He was hesitant to tell him about his power situation and ultimately decided not to.

He told Lyla however who made constant theories about his loss but couldn't quite back them up with anything concrete.

Although, there was a slight chance of hope. Every day since he had Lyla fixed, he timed how long he could stick to the ceiling and the result were promising increasing little by little every day.

So Y/n came up with a theory of his own. Another drawback of being born in a different universe and living in another one was the weakness of his powers. Some evidence for this was his unique spider-sense.

Dad or Peter told him that it was more of an instinctive alert while Y/n's also acted as a prediction for the future. The best idea Y/n came up with for this is that Miguel, his true "Dad" was a time traveler. A constant jumper between points in his timeline.

This would explain his unique Spider-Sense of "seeing the future". These last couple of days gave Y/n a lot to think about while his wounds healed.

While he for one was quite an active and busy person, he found solitude in these recovering days. Maybe he could finally understand where Kate came from about being lazy.

Y/n: How far have we been running Lyla?

Lyla: About... 6 minutes. A new record. Are you feeling alright?

Y/n nodded. Both his feet stuck to the ceiling as he read a book. Art of War by Sun Tzu. Felicity has good taste.

Y/n: Fine. A bit weaker than normal but...

He suddenly felt a tightness around his body. A rush of heat flooded to his shoulder which made him lose his grip on the ceiling.

Y/n gritted his teeth slightly as the heat and tightness turned into a discomforting pain. He raised his shirt just to see his chest. He saw an all too familiar sight of tattoo chains wrapping around his body.

They settled and became almost invisible on his body which made him lay his head back on the floor and exhale in relief. Lyla's hologram appeared on one knee looking at Y/n.

Lyla: I'd ask if you're alright but I have your vitals on my HUD.

Y/n nodded his head as he closed his eyes in relaxation.

Y/n: Now I know what the problem is.

Lyla: Yup. Now to just...

Lyla raised her hand which produced a small screen displaying footage. Y/n instantly recognized the X-mansion and its members. He had the top half of his suit off with the same chains around him.

Lyla: You got those chains from future Jean's spell.

Y/n: You recorded that?

Lyla: I record everything, including this.

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