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A Date With Hawkeye


A small beep blared as an alarm clock flickered red. Y/n groaned before blindly swinging to hit the top of it which stopped its annoying noise.

Y/n rubbed his eyes before sitting up and squinting at his surroundings. Before Y/n could get out of bed he was taken down, courtesy of Kate.

Y/n groaned again as his back hit the bed again.

Y/n: Kate...

Kate half-heartedly hummed in response against his chest.

Y/n: Time to get up.

Kate: Hmm... I don't think so.

It was hard to argue with her when she had the strongest grip in the world wrapped around his torso. Y/n sighed and almost fell back asleep in his comfortable position.

Y/n: Kate. Up. Now.

He gently drew circles on her shoulder using his finger.

Kate: It's Sunday, no school, no patrol. And you're injured, so, we're being lazy. Go back to sleep.

It was true and Y/n didn't deny it but still, he had a complex mind, he needs to be busy with something.

Kate on the other hand was the polar opposite, getting a chance to lay back and relax at any moment she wasn't focused on school or her heroine duties was ideal for her.

Y/n laid in defeat, that was until he got an idea. Despite his superhuman strength, nothing could break out of the Kate Bishop Bear grip, so instead, he would make her willingly let go.

Wink wink.

Y/n hesitantly moved his hand from Kate's shoulder down her frame. Kate was too tired to notice and concentrated on falling back asleep.

She wasn't too tired to notice the hand that made its destination to her thigh. Kate swallowed in anticipation, her eyes still closed.

Y/n continued to look at the ceiling while guiding his hand. He made circles on her thigh, similar to how he did with her shoulder but this time made sure it was soft against her fragile skin.

Kate's breath shuddered as he continued his loops with his delicate fingers. Y/n's plan so far was a success as he felt Kate's grip loosening but not enough to slip free.

Y/n could tell Kate was awake from her short irregular breaths that were felt on his chest. Subtly, Y/n slid Kate up so that she had her chin above his head, making him lower than her.

Y/n buried his head in her neck before softly kissing the aforementioned part. An involuntary moan escaped Kate's mouth but she was quick to shut it and bite her lip.

Y/n continued his assault on her neck while simultaneously caressing her thigh, both actions making her lose her grip on the boy.

Kate moved her hands to hold his head in place as she kept her eyes shut in satisfaction as opposed to her earlier tiredness.

This gave Y/n ample time to break free from her hold and slide away from her.

Be Greater (Male Spider-Man Reader x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now