Hall Of Mirrors

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Y/n fell to his side as blood exerted out of his side. Many deep wounds stranded around his body and dark purple bruises were visible from the tears in his worn-out suit.

He gathered the strength to push himself off the ground and onto one knee. He spat out an unhealthy amount of blood which stained the concrete debris around him.

Lyla: Boss, stay down!

Y/n chuckled as he stood up to full height, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

Y/n: I don't have much of a choice Lyles. I'll speak to you soon.

Lyla: Wait Y/n don't-

Y/n took off his mask which made the comms automatically shut off. Blood poured down from his forehead. His hair was dusty and had tiny bits of debris in it.

Heavy footsteps in front of him made him look up. He saw a black-on-purple suit and followed it up to Kingpin's face.

Kingpin: How, disappointing. I expected more from the son of Peter.

Y/n: If it makes you feel any better, I'm technically only a third of my dad.

Kingpin lifted the hero by his neck. Y/n squirmed under the strength of the crime boss. Y/n tried heightening his senses in the hopes to try and trigger his slow-motion spider-sense but something metallic pulled his head back.

Y/n: Hey, doctor. When did you get out of Rykers?

Doc Ock: I wasn't going to miss this.

The villain squeezed tighter on his head to create a more discomforting position.

Kingpin: I have what I need. You're no use to me anymore. But before you die I want you to know one thing.

Kingpin used his thumb to bend Y/n's neck, getting ready to break it like a twig under a boot.

Kingpin: I... Am... Mi-

Y/n suddenly jerked upwards out of his bed. One hand was screwed up into the sheets and the other was planted on his chest where his heart was.

The sheets were soaked in sweat. He glanced at the clock, 5:37 AM. He put his head in his hands as sweat went down his forehead. His door beeped, indicating that someone rang the bell.

Y/n: It's open.

The door opened to reveal Kurt in a red short jacket and black jeans.

Y/n: Yes?

Kurt: Um, Miss Yelena said breakfast will be ready in a few hours.

Y/n: Okay. You know, you don't have to call her "Miss" Yelena, right?

Kurt: Hmm. Noted. See you downstairs!

He poofed into a cloud of dark blue smoke. Y/n shook his head and webbed a shirt to his hand to put it on.


Y/n: Hey everyone.

Miles: 'Sup bro.

Y/n sat in between Kate and Miles at the large dining table. It was made shortly after the mutants were staying at the tower, even though their stay was only thought to be temporary.

Everyone dug into the various foods placed in front of them. Y/n put some basic breakfast on his plate.

Riri: Oh, Y/n, while you're here, can I take a look at one of your web-shooters? I'd like to know what makes them so lightweight.

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