Hold It Together

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Y/n: Okay... Now Scorpion.

You hung from a web with a journal in one hand and a pen in the other. You had switched out of your suit and wore a white shirt with some black shorts.

Your left web shooter was still broken but you didn't have patrol for at least a couple of weeks so it was the least of your troubles right now.

The Journal had information about the people you had fought, some had very little notes about them like The Vulture. The Vulture was a ghost on the grid and your dad had arrested them a couple of times.

Except for your Vulture definitely wasn't the same as your Dad's due to the identities, with his being Adrian Toombes, and yours being Elizabeth Allan.

The Sandman was the same though. Flint Marko, a career criminal who robbed to feed his family, consisting of his wife and his daughter, Penny. His powers are simple, manipulation of sand, including body parts and objects.

Rhino or rather Aleksei Sytsevich was a Russian athlete who got fused to a prototype Rhino war suit voluntarily. His mind became fractured and he soon to be turned to a life of crime.

Electro was easy. Francine Frye, a super fan of the notorious villain before her Electro. She majored in Physics and got a laid-back job accounting for Horizon High. When her "Hero" was killed it ticked her the wrong way so she recreated a device which would give her similar powers. It worked.

Lyla: Scorpion AKA MacDonald Gargan was a criminal who was offered a Plea from an alternate source. In a Clause, it states that Mac must participate in an off-the-books CIA-conducted experiment. And was also funded by... Oh, get this, J.Jonah Jameson.

You put the pen to your lips in thought and slowly spun around.

Y/n: interesting. But I don't think that's right. The Scorpion I fought was a girl. Does he have a daughter or something?

Lyla: If he does, I can't find... Oh wait, I've got something.

You motion your hand for her to continue and she clears her throat.

Lyla: Elaine Colls, a former Hydra operative and mercenary went through a similar experiment to Mac Gargan called Operation Broken Stinger, in which she developed a natural scorpion-like tail and was provided with armour which had been fused to her skin, similar to Rhino.

You shook your head.

Y/n: She talked to herself when I met her. And it was in broken English. Can you pull up her Mental profile? Or some sort of past Hospital visits?

There was silence for a second.

Lyla: Wow... Singular personality disorder, signs of manic schizophrenia, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Bipolar. It would be easier to tell you the things not wrong with her.

Y/n: Obsessive-compulsive disorder? That would explain her wanting to "Murder the Spider till the end of time.". And the Bipolar explains her talking to herself. What happened to her?

Lyla: That's just the thing. Nothing. Well at least officially. But these issues did pop up after the operation.

You put the pen to the page and wrote the details about Elaine.

Y/n: Is that all of them?

Lyla: Yup. I've copied your notes in digital form just in case, I'll keep a tab open for any advancements.

You nodded and finished writing in the journal. You jumped down from your web and went to put it on your desk before you hesitated.

Y/n: I should probably hide this.

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