Gone out training

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A few hours had gone by and eventually, the Hamato siblings headed out for training. But Leo, Mikey and Donnie all decided to head out to grab some food, they dragged Venus with them, so Usagi was left with Raph. "How much you wanna bet they're using it as an excuse to avoid training?" Usagi asked Raph asked as the other teens headed out. "I trust Leo. Not as much as Venus, but I do trust him to make the right choice." Raph said with a closed eye smile, Usagi rolled his eyes and sat on the ground, pulling out a stone to sharpen his blade. Might as well get it done while he's not doing anything.

A few hours later...

"Easy does it, Leo." Leo told himself, looking to the side as he saw just how high up he was. "You've got this. Concentrate..." Leo said as he took another step forward, his arms out to help him balance as he walked up one of the many bridges. "The whole world is counting on you..." Leo said as he looked ahead once more. "To break the, Pizza Box Stack Record!" Leo said, several boxes of pizza stacked on his head. The pile was so tall, he didn't even notice a pigeon resting on the top, eating from the box that remained open. Also, to avoid humans seeing him, Leo was walking up the beam arche and was heading to the tower. "One Hundred, twenty-five boxes. They say it couldn't be done, but look who's doing it, moi." Leo bragged as he kept his composure, even when Donnie hovered over to Leo. Donnie's arms were across his chest with a smirk on his face. "You know that Spanish for Leo?" Leo said, still keeping balance as Donnie looked at the tower ahead.

Venus looked at her brothers with slight annoyance as she sat on the tower, watching as Leo did this. So much for a quick trip for food. "Go ahead, my non-lingual friend, count your unhatched fowl." Donnie said and then placed one hand onto his chest, the other resting on his back. "My record stands until you reach the top!" Donnie announced as he flicked his goggles onto his face and began to read for any info that could prove Leo would lose. "Which, according to my calculations of wind speed, barometric pressure, and dew point, is highly unlikely." Donnie said and flicked his goggles up to look at his wrist gauntlet, it was a new one had had made with his ninpo since his old one was covered in his wrapping he could only pull of when he wasn't using his tech.

Speaking of which, his ninpo was what was powering his tech and it allowed him to hover behind Leo to stare at his calculations. But then he voiced his confusion when orange chains wrapped around the beam in front of him. The chains turned out to be Mikey's nun-chucks and he had slingshot himself to land in front of Donnie. "According to my calculations, as long as you believed in yourself, you can do anything!" Mikey said, mocking Donnie a bit which caused the turtle in purple to give Mikey a raised brow. "Thanks, little brother. No one believes in himself more than me." Leo said as Mikey ran up to his brother but was sure to give the blue teen some space. While Mikey had a look of excitement on his face, Donnie huffed and folded his arms across his chest. Venus sighed and pulled out her phone as Leo began to chant his name, Mikey following soon after.

She looked through her messages as Leo and Mikey's chanting got louder. She sighed and put her phone into her pocket when she heard Leo's chanting go silent and turned to see Leo had made it to the tower and stood still as he squatted to let the boxes balance again. Then Leo jumped up and pushed back the boxes as he landed on the ground. "Yeah, baby!" Mikey cheered as Leo laughed. "Yeah! I am Leo!" Leo yelled, Venus sighed as she watched the majority of the boxes fall. "I got it." She said and got up, jumping off the tower and grabbing her fans, pointing her fans at the falling boxes and commanding some ninpo lightning to touch them and make then disappear. She also commanded the lightning to strike her and get her to land on the tower as Leo was still cheering. She dusted her shoulders before aiming both fans at the city, the fallen boxes landing in some places where Venus knew a few homeless people lived at and the homeless shelter.

"Well, at least that will help with avoiding drawing attention to us." Donnie grumbled as he sat on the tower, Mikey and Leo till cheering about Leo's victory. "There you are!" Raph's voice rang through, causing Leo and Mikey to stop cheering and look to the source. "We've been looking all over for you guys." Raph said as he stood, hands on his hips as Usagi folded his arms across chest. "Liar, Venus texted you where they were." Usagi said, pulling his phone out and holding it up to reveal the messages. Mikey and Leo glared at Venus who picked up a box of pizza. She noticed and looked at the pizza. "Wow! This pizza just smells so great, I'ma just-" Venus then proceeded to eat the slice and avoid eye contact with Leo and Mikey. Two years living with the turtles and she's still a snitch, who'd guess.?

"Anyways..." Leo said as he looked back at Raph with a grin and proceeded to dance in victory, Mikey not far behind as Donnie went onto his phone. "Oh, hey Raph, guess who just broke the record?" Leo said with a grin, Usagi looked at the pizzas as Raph's eyes went wide. "What? You did? How many did you-" Raph stopped himself by looking away and shoving a hand to Leo to stop himself from continuing with the question. "Stop distracting Raph!" Raph grumbled as Usagi walked over to Venus and stole a slice from the box, proceeding to eat it as both he and Venus watched the brothers. "We were supposed to be training-" Raph complained but was stopped when Leo pushed his finger to Raph's face.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, hold that thought." Leo said as he looked at Donnie smugly, Raph did as he said and watched Leo with annoyance as Donnie looked up from his phone. "Donnie?" Leo said with a smug tone, one Mikey matched as both knew Donnie was wrong. Donnie sighed and turned to his brothers, still avoiding eye contact with Mikey and Leo as the other three watched in silence. "You, sir, have bested me. Mazel." Donnie admitted, Usagi looked at Venus. "Context?" Usagi asked as Leo and Mikey held their hands to their ears and cleared their throats. Donnie sighed in annoyance and began to chant Leo's name but in the bluntest way possible by hugging his knees to his chest as Mikey lifted Leo up in the sky while Leo punched and kicked the air. "Leo beat Donnie in some record thing where you had to stack a certain amount of pizza boxes on your head, then walk up the beams to one of the towers without letting the stack fall." Venus explained.

"Oh, neat. How many did Leo have?" Usagi asked as he finished his slice. "Uh.... One Hundred, twenty-five boxes I think is what Leo said." Venus claimed and ate another as Raph told his siblings to stop getting off topic. "Leo, we have work to do, and you dragged them out her for this?" Raph demanded as Usagi stole another slice, might as well not let it go to waste. Mikey and Leo now sat on the ground with Donnie, who still was annoyed that Leo had beated him on his record. "Training, record-braking. The choice was clear." Leo said as he handed Mikey a slice from another box and then shoved one into Donnie face, basically rubbing salt in the wound as he looked at Raph with a smug smile. Raph sighed at his answer as the Venus and Usagi stayed silent. "Dang it, Leo. Everything's not about you. When are you gonna grow up and start acting like a hero?" Raph asked as he put his hands onto his hips and looked up with a grin.

"And.... there it is. Madam and gentlemen." Leo said, he and his brothers shoved their slices together and then ate them. Venus and Usagi did the same thing but avoided where the other took a bite. Raph noticed both groups did that and looked at Leo in confusion. "Hey, what was that? What are you guys doing?" Raph asked as he looked at the two groups. "It's a little game I invented." Leo said as stopped eating for a quick second to give his elder brother an explanation. "Every time you say the word 'Heroes', we take a bite of pizza." Leo said, gesturing towards Raph with his pizza. "I don't say 'heroes' that often!" Raph denied as he folded his arms across his chest. Everyone proceeded to take another big bite.

"LEO!" Raph yelled as he rose a shaking fist as his brother, Venus snickered as Usagi gulped his bite down. "You do have to admit Raph, you say on a daily basis so many times that Leo started making bets how many times you'd say it." Usagi said, causing Raph to sighin defeat.

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