What's our plan?

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It didn't matter what anyone did. 

The army's aircraft missiles?

They didn't make a dent against the Technodome's protective shield...

The tanks bombs and some nukes?

All obliterated with a single beam that came out from the ship without a second thought...

Everyone stood on the rooftop and watched in horror. "What do we do now?!" Mikey cried as Donnie held him close. April remained silent, her hands covering her mouth as she saw the horror before her. Splinter stood in front of while Casey stood on her side, his mask back on his face again. Venus stood behind Ezra and held his shoulder, seeing the fox was shaking lightly as the duo between the two groups. Usagi stood next to Donnie but wasn't watching the Techno-drome, he was watching Leo, who stood a few feet apart from the group and looked up in horror. Ideas began to run his head as to how this all could've been avoided.

"I fear we are lost." Splinter said, Leo fell to his knees as Donnie hugged Mikey closer. Splinter looked at the ground as Casey's green orbs also disappeared, signaling that he had closed his eyes. "The Krang are too powerful." Splinter admitted as Usagi walked over to Leo and kneeled next to the slider, placing a comforting hand on Leo's shoulder as he looked at the family photo in his hand. Ezra swiftly turned around and only hugged Venus, both stayed silent and allowed the others to express some sort of last hope. But it was quickly shot down by Casey as Leo looked down.  "Says who?!" Mikey challenged as Casey admitted there was no way to change the future. Donnie had closed his eyes at this point as Leo closed his eyes. As Donnie began to list reasons why changing the future was impossible, Usagi grip on Leo's grew. "Leo... please. You must have some idea how to beat them." Usagi said quietly and saw the slider only opened his eyes slightly, not shifting his gaze or anything. This made Usagi frown as he looked down at Leo's hand seeing the turtle was still gripping the photo.

Usagi shifted his hand from Leo's arm to the slider's hand. Leo noticed and looked at Usagi in slightly shock, smiling a bit when he saw the sad smile on Usagi's face. "I'm here." Usagi whispered, no one said a thing about Usagi and Leo as the slider looked ahead and tried to think of a plan. Usagi remained silent as Ezra and Venus looked at Donnie who looked at Mikey with a hurt expression. "Look, I didn't want it to be true, but..." Donnie sighed in defeat and grabbed his other arm as he turned to the side. Even Mikey's angered expression softened as Donnie said, "science." silently. Only for Leo to interrupt as he stood up quickly and pointed a finger to the air, his other hand still holding Usagi's. "Thats it! Donnie's wrong!" Leo yelled, his face an exaggerated happiness as he pointed his finger at Donnie, Usagi remained still and looked at Leo in confusion, not letting go of the sliders hand. "The word is ending! Yet the barbs continue." Donnie said as he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest as Mikey looked like he was on the verge of crying. Even now, no one said a thing about Usagi and Leo holding hands, probably because it wasn't the right time.

"Don't you remember? We already did change the future." Leo said and then turned to a frowning Casey. "Raph never got kidnapped and turned into a Krang zombie in your time, right Casey and Ez?" Leo asked as he shifted his free hand around and then gestured to the two. Everyone shifted their gaze to Casey or Ezra as Casey looked at the ground in thought. "No, he didn't." Casey realized as he looked up. "That means we did change the future! We're just in a different uh..." Leo said as he looked at the ground for a moment and tried to think of the right word. "Bifurcated time branch?" Donnie huffed, wanting to help his brother but had given up hope by now. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, that nerd thing!" Leo said quickly while pointing his free hand at Donnie with a giant grin, one that made Usagi smirk.

"You know what that means, right? We still have hope!" Leo said as he looked up, but Venus looked down at Ezra who looked ahead. April and Splinter looking at the ground. "A ninja's greatest weapon!" Ezra and Casey said as they turned to each other with bright grins. "Hey, I like that!" Leo said, making sure to save that for the future. But Leo's grin disappeared as he sighed and let go of Usagi's hand. "Look, I'm done thinking I have all the answers." Leo finally admitted as he looked at everyone, who looked up at him in worried expressions or raised brows. "I don't know how to beat the Krang, but I do know our future isn't written until we write it." Leo said as everyone either smiled or had hopeful expressions. "As a team." Leo said as he held up a fist to the others, Usagi smiled proudly towards Leo's words. "So, what do we got?" Leo asked, everyone looked down or ahead in thought of what they could do.

"Maybe... maybe!" April said, everyone looked at her as she stepped forward. "We don't have to beat them! Can't we just send them back into the prison dimension?" April asked, Leo smiled as he held a hand to his chin. "There's an idea! Donnie, what do those big, beautiful eyebrows have to say?" Leo asked as he consulted his slightly older brother as he moved his arms to show he was, yet again, open to more options. Donnie then held his chin and looked to the side, making a plan in his head. "If we get control of their ship, we could send it back through the portal." Donnie said, seeming more hopeful of this idea as Mikey looked at him. "Yes! Yes! Now were cooking. Who else?" Leo said as he shifted his hands around before turning to the others.  "If someone on the ground can get to that key..." Casey started as he looked to the side with a smile. "We can close the doorway!" Splinter finished with a smile.

"And then bye-bye Krang forever, baby!" Mikey yelled victoriously as he punched the air. It made Venus smile as Leo held his chin again. "Exactly. What do you say, Donnie?" Leo asked as he turned to Donnie again. "You ready to fly a spaceship?" Leo asked with a smug smile while pointing to the Technodrome with his thumb. "Literally the greatest question I have ever been asked." Donnie said as all of his cool demeaner was washed away and he allowed his nerd side to show. But Ezra looked around in worry and stepped forward. "Wait, you want Donnie to fly that thing into the prison dimension?" Ezra asked as he looked at Leo with concern. "Yup, then we'll close the dimension. Trapping the Technodrome inside with the Krang." Usagi said and walked over to Leo, elbowing him with a grin.

"We need to get something off that ship first, and it isn't Uncle Red." Ezra said as he looked at the others. "What is it?" Casey asked, Ezra sighed and rubbed his neck. "Me?" Ezra said with a nervous grin, everyone stared at him in shock. "The Krang kept younger me in this tank where they froze me. We find it, punch some coordinates where you want it to teleport and when you want it to release future me. Otherwise, little me will be stuck in the prison dimension again." Ezra admitted, Venus narrowed her eyes and walked ahead. "I'll go with you, Usagi can stay with April, Splinter and Casey." Venus said and looked at Ezra. "But the minute we find little you, you are to tunnel to them, you understand?" Venus said as she pointed at the group Usagi was to stick with. "Finnnnnneeeee." Ezra huffed and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Alright team, looks like we have a plan. Let's go save the world." Leo said as he put his hands on his hips and looked at the others. Everyone was smiling as they were ready to establish, they're plan. But then the big question was asked.

"Wait, but what about Raph?" Mikey asked, holding his hands close to his chest as he also walked ahead. He looked behind him and saw everyone look down in silence, frowns on their faces. Mikey then looked ahead but to the ground, on the verge of tears as he slouched forward, until hand grabbed his shoulder. "That big jerk may be covered in goo and half alien, but he's still our brother." Leo said as he held Mikey's shoulder, Donnie even looked up in slight shock of Leo's words. "And I'm not giving up on him. I'm not leaving him behind." Leo said, backing away and grabbing his weapons from his back, turning to the ship. Everyone grabbed their respective weapon and glared at the Technodrome with determination. This was their city. Their home and their planet. No chewed-up bubblegum looking idiots were gonna take that from them, not in the future, not now.

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