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Casey groaned as he began to wake, pain still ringing in his head from April's punch. "And then I saw that picture and I brought him here." April's voice rang through as Casey began to open his eyes. Raph had his back turned to Casey as he looked at Splinter sitting in his sofa, hand on his chin as April stood to his side and showed the photo. Donnie was leaning on the top of Splinter's sofa as Mikey remained on the other side. Leo was on Casey's left and facing him but had his gaze towards April and the others, so he didn't notice Casey wake. Usagi also stood next to Leo but was closer to the sofa and was looking at the ground with a slightly freaked expression. Probably because the guy from the supposed dream he had was sitting in front of them, tied up to a chair.

Venus was also in the room but had a hand on her hip as she stood between April and Donnie, looking at the photo with a raised brow like Donnie. Casey then turned his attention to Leo and recognized the slider all to much. "Sensi?" Casey grumbled, Leo looked at Casey and yelped, jumping backwards as he grabbed his katana and aiming it at Casey. Mikey gasped as everyone hummed their confusion, looking over to see Casey had woken up. Casey then smiled brightly as his vison cleared up and saw everyone staring at him with confused/slightly angered expressions while Leo lightly jabbed his katana at Casey. "It's you! It's all of you! Together! I never thought we'd see you again!" Casey said as he began to cry a little. "I'm so happy I could you!" Casey said, trying to get out up from the chair but fell forward and groaned as he landed on his face.

Raph stepped forward, Casey looked up as Raph grabbed the back of Casey's chair and set him back up. A projector fell on a stand remaining in front of Splinter and its light turned on. "Who are you, and why do you have a picture of us?" Raph demanded as he held the photo of his family and two friends. "Yeah, who took this? "Cause I look great!" Leo said as he leaned on Raph with a smug smile, Raph sighed at Leo as Venus walked over. "Also, who's we and does anyone else know our location?" Venus demanded as she folded her arms across her chest with a rose brow. "What's your favorite pizza? 'Cause I'm ordering right now!" Mikey said as he held his phone and called up a pizza place for some food, again. Raph smacked his forehead as Venus gave Mikey and Leo a look.

"And why are you wearing Genus Built apparel!" Donnie demanded as he shoved his way in front of all his brothers and sister. They all looked at him with a shocked confused expression as he grabbed Casey's cloak and pulled him close. "That's trademarked." Donnie said in a low voice, scaring Casey a bit with the sudden action as Donnie slammed a fist on Casey's forearm. It didn't hurt Casey in anyway, but it did active the zip-line mechanism. The claw shot up and punched Donnie's face in the process. But because Donnie's giant head had deflected the cord's aim, it began to go everywhere in an attempt to grab something. Everyone yelped in fear and began to run around in a panic as Donnie remained unconscious.

In the back of the room, Ezra hopped up from his tunnel and yelped quietly when he saw the chaos that was ensuing. He hid behind a pillar and pushed his mask down in case the cord magically hit him in the face. He then watched as the cable did latch onto a roof pillar and began to pick up the slack. Casey noticed and his eyes went wide. He then went upside down as the cord began to pick him up. "He's trying to escape!!" Mikey yelled and leapt for Casey, only to cause Casey to stop going up and spin around. Mikey landed on the ground with a grunt and yelped when Casey rocked into him. Mikey then looked over and sped to Donnie. "Want me to knock him out again?!" April yelled from one side, her bat in hand as she prepared to knock Casey out. "Let me." Raph said from the other said as he came face-to-face with Casey, a fist pulled back and ready to hit Casey.

Usagi rubbed his brow as Mikey ran over and yelled, "Donnie!" Trying to wake his genius brother up as Venus stood next to Usagi and smacked her forehead. Splinter was still on his sofa and was shoving handfuls of popcorn into his mouth from the bowl he had. Leo slides up to Splinter and watched his dad carefully before reaching for a single piece. Even though Splinter was so intensely focused on the chaos before him, his tail whipped at Leo's hand. Casey was just going to let this continue, until he caught sight of Ezra. The fox was pulling his bow from his back and pulling back to aim an arrow. Casey began to shake his head "no" at Ezra very quickly. But Ezra gave a thumbs up with a nod, pushing his mask down as he ran off to go make a tunnel somewhere.

"Wa-wait, stop! I'm a friend! Let me explain!" Casey said, everyone stopped what they were doing. Donnie rose up with a black eye as Leo and Splinter were fighting over the popcorn, April got a blindfold put on her somehow and Mikey was helping her, sorta. Casey sighed as the chair began to stop swinging and turned the teen to face the others. "let's start over." Casey sighed, his face extremely tired from the situation. He then opened his mouth to say something, only for one of Ezra's tunnels to open up in front of Ezra. Usagi was confused by it and walked over it as Casey sighed in annoyance but looked fearful as Usagi moved over the hole and looked at the tunnel.

"Don, did you check to make sure this place normally gets sink holes-" Leo asked but gasped as Ezra shot up from the tunnel and punched Usagi in the face, back flipping to land on the ground and pull back on the bow, a mystic arrow glowing. "Usagi!" Mikey yelled as Leo ran over to Usagi, who held his nose and pulled back his hand and saw it was bleeding. "RUBBER DUCKIES!" Casey yelled, everyone looked at him in confusion, until Ezra yelped in fear and lost is aim, shooting the arrow in a wall. Shards of ice came out from the arrow as Ezra turned to Casey, who smiled nervously. "WHAT THE HECK DUDE?!" Ezra yelled, Venus took this as a opportunity and used her speed to power up a lightning punch. Venus appeared in front of Ezra with narrowed eyes and gritted teeth. Ezra gasped as he turned to Venus, and both made eye contact.

Even though she was planning to punch Ezra from the air, she froze and saw Ezra's mask. It made her falter for a moment, then she closed her eyes and changed her fist back to a flat hand, her body sparking with lightning. Ezra yelped and tried to use his arms to block Venus's attack but looked up when he didn't feel any pain. Everyone looked at Ezra with shock, seeming to be just as surprised as Ezra that Venus didn't land a hit. Ezra then slowly turned and saw Venus behind him, kneeling away from him as her hand laid flat against the concrete. Venus then slowly rose up and turned to Ezra with a glare, one that made the fox flinch a little. Venus then yanked Ezra's bow from him and looked at Casey. "Explanation, now. Or else I snap this thing in half." She said, Casey sighed as Venus walked back to the others and saw Leo using Usagi's katana to make a healing flower.

"My name is Casey Jones, and this is my friend, Ezra Hamato." Casey said, moving a hand to Ezra. The fox pulled his hood down and pulled the mask off, showing his curious green eyes as he looked at everyone. Venus looked at Splinter with a raised brow. "Did Draxum mention anything about mutating a fox with your DNA?" Venus asked, Splinter shook his head "no". "I can actually explain that." Casey said with a nervous smile, everyone turned to him. "The reason we have this photo, and your tech is because you gave it to us!" Casey said, Ezra then messaged with his strap and moved it up to show Donnie's brand logo, it was hidden by the leather strap. "I call BS." Venus said as she put a hand on her hip, noticing how Ezra frown a little and his ears lowered again. "T-that's cause you haven't given it to us yet." Casey said with a smile, trying to avoid Venus's rude comments. "And that's because we're from, the future!" Casey said, trying to say the last but with a bit of flare.

It was dead silent before everyone laughed at Casey and Ezra hysterically. Venus chuckled as Usagi remained silent and watched Ezra and Casey.

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