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TW: blood

Leo slid under Krang-Raph, who tried to stab the slider with his claws. Once Leo was behind Krang-Raph, he kicked Krang-Raph down and landed on his feet with narrowed eyes. "I'm trying to save you, you idiot!" Leo yelled in frustration. "Why do you have to make things so hard?!" Leo yelled and tried to hit Krang-Raph with his katana but stopped himself as he and Krang-Raph made eye contact. Just staring at Krang-Raph made Leo back away as he remembered that this was his fault. But as Leo stopped a moment to back away from Krang-Raph, he took this chance to bat away Leo's katanas and punch Leo hard. 

It caused the slider to bounce up and down as he broke through a few walls before falling onto the walkway again. Once he was done rolling, Leo grunted in pain and tried to use his katanas to push himself up as Krang-Raph jumped in front of Leo. Krang-Raph didn't try to attack or anything as he watched Leo carefully. "You wanna keep coming at me? Go ahead." Leo said and sheathed his katanas, trying to change his tactic as attacking wasn't doing much. "I'm done fighting you." Leo said and held his arms out to Krang-Raph. You could hear Prime laughing to himself as he knew Leo's fate, but then he noticed the ship had begun to move.

"What?!" Prime yelled as he stood up and look through the giant window and saw the Technodrome was flying back into the prison dimension. "No!" Prime yelled, holding his hands out as two smaller pillars appeared. As he connected with them, the moved the tiled lava to reveal two sections, one of the control room and one of the lab Venus and Ezra remained in. "Finally." Donnie said as Mikey watched his brother from below. "Man, and machine, entwixed in perfect bionic synergy!" Donnie yelled, but gasped softly as the light in the room matched the one that Prime remained in. Both turtles looked up and saw Prime glaring down at them, the eyeball shifting above him, and its full pupil returned to a slit again.

"How dare you desecrate Krang's ship!"  Prime yelled and commanded some black tentacles were sent after Mikey, who had no chance of escaping or helping Donnie as a pair of tentacles went to the console and sucked Donnie's body up, who yelled in defiance until his body was ripped from the console. With the connection broken, the copy of Donnie melted away and both siblings were thrusted up into the main room. But the ship still went up as Polymath was busy so he couldn't redirect the ship. After Prime had gotten Mikey and Donnie, he looked down to see Venus and Ezra glaring at Prime. "NO!" Prime yelled as a hole appeared below younger Ezra's pod and sucked him away. 

"Time to go!" Ezra said and made a tunnel between he and Venus. A black tentacle shot out for Venus and Ezra, so Venus shoved Ezra down the hole. "Mom!" Ezra yelled as the tendrils grabbed hold of Venus and pulled her up, the other set was too late to grab Ezra as his tunnel closed up quickly. The three siblings yelled and grunted in effort as they tried to pull themselves from the black tentacles, but had no progress as Leo looked up in horror. "Donnie, Mikey, V!" Leo yelled as he tried to run towards his siblings, but Krang-Raph was faster and threw his whip around Leo's hand and pulled him into the air, throwing him to the ground so now Krang-Raph was between the siblings.

Leo looked up and saw Mikey, Donnie and Venus were now trapped securely, Krang-Raph walking towards Leo as Prime returned his thrown with a menacing smile. Leo finally realized something and closed his eyes, and he shifted his head downwards. "I don't want to fight anymore." Leo said and then stood, this caused Venus's eyes to go wide as she tried to move her body around. "I was fighting you because I didn't understand you, but now I get it." Leo said and put a hand to his chest as he looked at Krang-Raph. But the controlled teen jumped into the air and tried to land a attack on Leo.

The Slider dodged it of course but didn't stop his speech, hoping some part of Raph was still inside. "I always figured you were mad because you didn't like the way I did things, like the time before we met Venus and Usagi." Leo said as he dodged several attacks. But at one point, Leo had slipped and fell to the ground, Krang-Raph using his whip to grab Leo by his neck and lifting him up. Leo grunted in pain as he looked at Krang-Raph. Venus narrowed her eyes and yelled in pain as she managed to somehow grow claws and tear away at the tentacles holding her. "PUT HIM DOWN!" Venus yelled as she landed on the walkway and ran to both Krang-Raph and Leo.

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