You're Trans?

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Leo yelled in pain as he was thrown to a pillar, making a noticeable crater on it as he looked up. He yelped quietly and was able to slip under Krang-Raph, who attempted to kick Leo even more into the pillar. Once Leo was turned to Krang-Raph again, he tried his best to dodge or block any attacks that Krang-Raph tried throwing at him. "Raph, I know you're in there somewhere!" Leo yelled as he even had to jump over an attack. "You gotta snap out of this!" Almost enraged by the idea of having to let go, Krang-Raph roared as he used his whip like a katana and tried to hit Leo again. "Do you see what the power of the Krang can do?" Prime asked as Leo shoved the attack off and ran, Krang-Raph right on his tail.

"I am saving this weak planet. I, am a gift!" Prime boasted with pride, not seeing Leo as a threat as he stayed in his seat. Of course, Leo wasn't listening to Prime and focused only on Krang-Raph. It didn't matter what the other did, they were too fast for the other to land an actual hit. But even when Leo slid out of the way for another attack, Krang-Raph threw his whip at Leo and launched him into the weird hallways that remained on the side. Leo grunted in pain as he crashed in the and tried to run once he got up on his feet. But as Leo looked to the side, Krang-Raph sprouted out from the ground and tried to land another attack.

Back with Don and Mikey... again

Donnie grunted as the tendrils grew more onto his arms, the glow from the room began to grow. But as Donnie looked at his arms and saw the tendrils trying to breach towards more of Donnie's skin, he frowned and knew something was wrong. "It's not working." Donnie said as Mikey looked around in concern before looking back at Donnie again. "I need more of a connection." Donnie said as he tried to pull his arms back. "Mikey, take off my battle shell." Donnie said, turning to Mikey with furrowed brows, but Mikey looked at his older brother in fear. "No, you're too vulnerable with just your soft shell." Mikey tried to reason, but looked to the side and saw Polymath had awaken and began to try and free himself from the rubble. "There's no time, hurry!" Donnie said to his brother, who looked at Donnie' battle shell in concern and silently reached for the shell, the tendrils growing smaller in size as Mikey clicked a button that allowed the battle shell to pop off and into Mikey's hands. 

Donnie turned to Mikey with furrowed brows before allowing himself to fall to the consule, the tendrils already sensing Donnie's shell and reaching up. As they made the connection, Donnie shivered at the feeling and allowed himself to be raised up. Mikey watched silently as he hugged the battle shell, but then gasped as the consule sucked Donnie up and deeper into it's system. "Donnie?" Mikey asked, fear and concern all over his face as he looked at the consule. But he screamed in fear as he heard a loud crash, tossing the battle shell into the air before hugging it and looking at Polymath. The young turtle shook in fear as Polymath burst from the pile and roared at Mikey with rage. Polymath ran for Mikey before jumping into the air, aiming his needle point legs at Mikey, who was paralyzed with fear and only watched Polymath. That was until a tendril hit Polymath into a wall again. 

Not ready to accept his defeat, Polymath tried to crawl out of his armor, but more tendrils held him and his armor down as Mikey watched in surprise, seeing the room glow green and purple. "Mikey?" Donnie's voice rang through, like it was on an intercom but with an echo. Mikey looked up at the source and saw a weird version of his brother made of tendrils had formed at the top of the consule. "I... am a spaceship!" Spaceship Donnie yelled, his eyes glowing bright purple. Mikey looked in shock as his form slouched before shaking his head and looking at Donnie with stars in his eyes and even laughed, dropping the battle shell in the process.

With Venus and Ezra...

"You sure you're ready? 'Cause we can wait a little longer if you need." Venus smiled nervously as she smiled at Ezra. He raised a brow at Venus before pushing the needed buttons on the touch pad. "I'm sure mom. Besides, we gotta hurry if we wanna teleport mini me someplace else." Ezra said and then slipped into the room, though it was kinda hard to see with all the mist that had left through the doorways.  Ezra eventually grabbed Venus's wrist and led her around the room, allowing the turtle to look around and notice this room was very similar to Draxum's lab. She frowned as she saw many tools and even a metal table with straps on it, it made Venus look at Ezra. She began to wonder what exactly the Krang did to Ezra before putting him on earth. It even made Venus remember the nights she was forced into Big Mama's lab during Venus's days of the Battle Nexus. 

She of course, shook this thought off as Ezra paused and looked to the side. "Are we lost?" Venus asked, but Ezra laughed and looked at Venus with a smug grin. "Of course not, Ma. Just trying to make sure there isn't any guards here." Ezra said and looked ahead, pulling Venus into one direction and both remained silent. It was like that for a few moments, as Venus was worried if she brought up something regarding this room, Ezra might feel hurt. Again, Ezra stopped and pulled his hand away from Venus with a nervous grin on his face. "Okay, little me should be in front of us. But I want to say something before we get to my pod." Ezra said, Venus rose a brow in confusion. "Okay? What is it?" Venus asked, putting her hand on her hip. "So, I don't exactly look the same. So whatever you see, can you pormise you won't hate me?" Ezra asked as he fiddled with his fingers.

Venus smiled and patted his shoulder with a grin. "Just cause I don't know you that well and you're from the future, you're still my son. I wouldn't hate you no matter the situation, even if you started calling me by my actual name." Venus said with a grin and pulled back her hand. "Thanks Mom." The fox said as his ears perked up. Ezra smiled and then turned around, grabbing his bow and manifesting a wind arrow. He shot it at the ground and all the mist was blown away, a pod with it's glass all fogged up remained in front of them. "Are you inside?" Venus asked and walked to the pod, Ezra standing back as he put his bow back on and frowned at Venus. "Yup, I should be." Ezra said as Venus reached her hand up to the fogged up glass, wiping away the condensation to try and look at the younger Ezra.

But when she did, Venus stopped and looked at younger Ezra with confusion. "What?" Venus asked as she saw this Ezra was younger, but had way longer hair and feminine features. She stepped back and a progress screen appeared before the pod. It had all of younger Ezra's files and reports on it, but Venus paused as she saw the "sex" info part. Next to it, the word "Female" remained on the side, which caused Venus to turn to Ezra with a confused look on her face. "Ezra?" Venus asked as the fox looked to the ground, a frown on his face. Venus stayed silent as she looked at Ezra and E-0 again, looking at the ground in thought and turned to Ezra with a grin. "You're trans?" Venus asked, Ezra sighed and looked up at Venus as he prepared to explain. "I know I didn't tell you, but I was worried that-"

Ezra was stopped as Venus ran to him and hugged him, laughing a bit as she twirled with the young fox in her arms. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Venus said and held Ezra out, who seemed surprised by Venus's giant grin. "Well, you're just so different from future you! I was worried that you accepting me had changed too." Ezra said as he fumbled with his hands, Venus smirked as she set Ezra down. "I'ma tell you a little secret." Venus said as she then went over to Ezra's ear. He waited patiently as he held his hands and looked toward Venus's direction. "Did you know, Leo is trans?" Venus asked and then pulled back, the happy shock appearing on Ezra's face.

A/n: Leo being Trans is just a headcanon I like, you can just ignore it if you want.

"REALLY?!" Ezra yelled with a bright smile, Venus smirked as Ezra laughed a bit. "No way! He never told us that in the future!" Ezra said, Venus smirked and patted his back. "Yeah, but we do need to get younger you out of here and fast." Venus said, both suddenly felt the ship moving and quickly ran over to the pod. Ezra grabbed the report screen and swiped around, typing as fast as he could before he found the setting he needed. He gave it to Venus so she could type in a location that was highly doubtful the krang had reached, to Todd's puppy amusement park. Once Venus had punched in the location, the screen disappeared and both turned to younger Ezra. The text, "DON'T OPEN THIS TODD, BUT PLS KEEP IT SAFE!! -Venus" was on the screen before it slid down to lay on the ground and then slowly cover it's self with an armored plating.

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