Draxum Pops Up

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After hanging out and enjoying Todd's dog theme park, everyone loaded up into the white van and headed back to the lair. Katniss watched over everyone, taking in how tired and sad they seemed. But she yelped quietly when she felt someone grab her from behind and lift her. Katniss turned and saw it was Venus putting Katniss in her lap. Katniss remained silent and began to feel relaxed as Venus messed with Katniss's hair, putting small braids into the pigtails that Katniss had styled her hair in. She was wearing a long-sleeved shirt under the overalls and her bangs had some hair pins inside of them. Katniss exhaled and laid against Venus's chest, telling Venus in a non-verbal way that she trusted the turtle. Venus smiled kindly at that and avoided her ears.

It wasn't long before they got to the lair, though they had to take a secret route due to the construction that had begun. It was a miracle that New York was hoping to fix itself so quickly, there were even a few people out and about. Venus sighed quietly, something Katniss turned towards her at. Venus paused as she watched Katniss shift in Venus's lap, now sitting face-to-face with Venus. Both remained silent as Katniss seemed like she was searching for something. As the silence continued, Katniss's eyes glowed a faint jade green.  It was only a moment, but Katniss fell forward and hugged Venus, who stayed shocked by the sudden action. "It's okay momma, everyone is safe now. You can relax." Katniss said, Venus, smiled at that and hugged Katniss, pulling them both back and trying to get a little more comfortable.

After a while, they soon made it to the lair and parked the van inside. "Hey Don, do you think you could turn this old beat-up van into something else?" Mikey asked as everyone filed out, Venus still holding Katniss as Ezra and Casey ran out. They were still trying to get used to smaller spaces. "Eh, maybe, but I definitely will need some names." Donnie said and turned to Raph, who hummed in confusion. "Uh... what about the Shell raiser?" Raph asked with a nervous grin, Donnie sighed and looked ahead. Katniss had already fallen asleep, so Venus was worrying more about not waking the child and hadn't noticed the medic cell's light had been turned on. "Uh, guys? Did anyone leave the light on before we left?" Casey asked as he took notice of the room, everyone paused and turned to it. They then cluttered sounds and some crashed, then some hushed curses. Venus turned to the others and nodded silently as they all grabbed their weapons, Venus using one hand to flip her fan open. Everyone walked to the room slowly, being silent as they heard more annoyed huffs.

It was Mikey who was closest and was ready to whip whoever was inside, or outside of the medic cell. But when Mikey peaked inside, he gasped loudly and ripped open the curtains. "Draxum!" Mikey yelled, shocking the alchemist and making him drop some empty beakers he was holding. Mikey began to cry as he ditched his mystic weapon and jumped to hug Draxum. The yokai yelped and caught the crying teen, concern filling his features as he rubbed Mikey's head. "What happened? I was only gone for three days." Draxum said as he looks up to everyone, Casey and Ezra popping up from behind the entire group. "Who are they?" Draxum asked as he picked up Mikey just like Venus was holding Katniss. Speaking of the fox child, she groaned and rubbed her eyes, turning to Draxum as she woke. Draxum paused as he saw Venus's neck, concern filling his face, and looked at Venus.

"What. Happened." He demanded, clutching the turtle before in a protective manner. Venus wanted to speak, to tell Draxum all that had happened to his children during his disappearance. But she couldn't, not with this wound on her neck. Not to mention that even though Venus can speak through sign language, Draxum didn't quite understand it. As Venus thought about how to explain it, Katniss looked around. She saw all their pained and worried expressions, she could feel their emotions bursting out like water pouring down from a faucet. Katniss furrowed her brows and looked at Draxum, who was now demanding answers from Splinter. "A bunch of aliens called the Krang, appeared and started wrecking New York. Then big brother Ezra and Mommy saved me from the ship after defeating the Krang." Katniss said, her voice didn't waver but it didn't sound happy and full of content like the average ten-year-old. Draxum looked up at Katniss and furrowed his brows, Venus smiled nervously as Ezra and Casey poked out from Behind Venus. Both stared at Draxum with awe and wonder, some Draxum saw.

"The stray fox must be Ezra, I presume?" Draxum said as he walked over to an empty Medical bed and set Mikey there. Mikey's eyes were red as he looked over, then gasped happily as Draxum held up some ice cream in a freezer. "Thanks, Draxum, also Venus is a mom in the future. Ezra and Katniss are her kids." Mikey said and then began to eat his ice cream, Venus smacked her forehead as Casey and Ezra fully emerged from behind Venus. "So... I have grandchildren then?" Draxum asked with a raised brow, Ezra smiled brightly as he nodded. "Grandchildren?" Someone in a groggy voice spoke, and everyone turned to see Usagi now sitting up while Leo was still passed out. Venus's eyes went wide and she quickly set Katniss down, rushing over to Usagi and signing things at the speed of light.

"No, I don't have any doggos." Usagi said and then giggled, his upper body swaying a bit as he closed his eyes. Venus again smacked her forehead. Then she put her hands on his shoulders and tried to lay him back down, but smacked her hands. "No no no. I don't need to sweep." Usagi said, then flopped over and began to laugh, Venus again smacked her forehead and ran it down her face. "What happened to him?" Raph asked as Katniss walked over to Leo, staring at him quietly as she rested her hands on the edge of Leo's bed. "He was an idiot and overused his power." Donnie translated instead of Mikey, who was busy. Everyone but Ezra, Casey, and Katniss looked at him in shock, Donnie looked around the room in confusion. "What? I know sign language. Mikey was always the one to translate it first." Donnie said as he gestured to Mikey, who nodded in reply and went back to his popsicle. As Venus explained Usagi's condition, Katniss shifted her gaze to Leo and his hand several times. While it confused Ezra, Casey nudged him, asking for an answer.

"I dunno, maybe she just wants to hold his hand?" Ezra whispered, which is what Katniss did. She reached her hands to Leo's and held his palm softly. She looked at his palm and traced the brace, before dragging her finger up the brace and then traveling to his shoulder. Ezra noticed she was having trouble trying to reach higher, so he reached to Katniss and picked her up, and rose her up. It's not like she was gonna hurt him, so lifting Katniss up to get closer to Leo shouldn't be a bother to anyone. Katniss gave Ezra a small smile before dragging her finger to Leo's forehead, keeping it there for a moment. "Uh, whatcha guys doing?" Donnie asked, causing the three to yelp quietly as Katniss kept her focus. "Uh, I don't know. Katniss just wanted to touch Uncle Leon." Ezra said, everyone turned to Katniss and watched as her finger remained on his forehead, but her eyes darted all over the place. Then she stopped at Leo's help button and stared at it for a few moments before looking back at Leo's face again.

"Dream." She said, the room lights began to flicker for a moment before returning to normal. As Katniss pulled her hand back, everyone gasped softly while Leo began to smile a little. "What did she do?" Mikey asked as Katniss was set back down again, now heading over to Usagi's side. "I have no idea." Draxum said, everyone tensed when they saw Leo begin to cry, so Draxum raised his hand above Leo's head and used some magic to detect how Leo was feeling. "Is he alright? Is Leo in pain?" Splinter asked in worry, but everyone paused as Draxum rose a brow in confusion. "He's dreaming alright, but it's a happy dream." Draxum said, everyone looked at him in confusion. "Katniss managed to let Leo dream, but how did she...." Draxum paused as he looked at Katniss, who now had a hand on Usagi's chest, and hummed a quiet song. "Restore and rest." She whispered again, Usagi instantly falling asleep and even snoring a bit before curling closer to Leo.

Katniss sensed everyone's stares and looked over to them, seeing each of them shocked by her actions. "Hey Ez, did you happen to be able to do that when you were younger?" Casey asked, pointing a finger at Katniss, who yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Uh, I can't really remember..." Ezra answered as Venus picked Katniss up again and patted the young fox's back. "We'll dig deeper into this later, we should first go make sure little Katniss here has a bed and her medications if she needs them." Donnie said as he walked over to Venus and rub Katniss's head. She flinched at the feeling but soon leaned into his hand with closed eyes. "Awwww, she likes you!" Raph said as his eyes went wide in joy and held his hands close to his face. "I guess she does." Donnie said but noticed Venus gestured for Donnie to take the child. So he did so and held her in the correct position and looked at Venus in confusion.

"You did say you wanted to make sure Katniss has all her shots." Mikey translated when Venus signed again. He sighed and rubbed Katniss's back to help her relax again. Donnie did eventually leave with Katniss, Venus, and Ezra (because he probably knew more about what Katniss could do) too.

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