Eastlaird University

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With April...

Students began to file out from their night classes of Eastlaird University, April walked up to the short professor and cleared her throat. He looked up in confusion before seeing it was April who was trying to grab his attention. "Hi, professor. Do you have a sec?" April asked, the professor hummed as he set his pencil down and pushed his glasses down. "Are you even in this class?" The professor asked, thinking April was some student wanting some help with an assignment. "I'm April O'Neil, journalism major." April explained as she smiled at the professor. "I write for the Eastlaird University Daily News. Maybe I could get some shots of you, at the whiteboard for a story?" April asked as she whipped out her phone from her pocket.  "Oh! Of course!" The professor said as he realized April was doing a school project and proceeded to get up and head to the board. His lab coat hung on his chair with an ID, something April was eyeing for a moment until the professor spoke again.

A/n: I'm wheezing right now. I'm using the subtitles on Netflix to help me write this and it literally says {farts} as the professor was getting up. I heard it before but I always thought it was the chair just squeaking

"So, uh, what... what should I do?" The professor asked April as he held up an expo marker. "You know, just write something sciencey." April suggested as she looked to the side. "I actually have the perfect equation for your article-" "Alright now feel like you're staring thoughtfully at your work." April interrupted as she rose her phone. 'Oh, I always stare intently at my equations. Especially this one." The professor admitted as he began to write. Now that he was distracted, April eyed his ID again with a smirk, then tried reaching over the desk but looked like Mikey when he tried climbing up the Mystic City Police main desk as the professor began to turn around, saying, "You know, I think I should put on my lab coat." with a kind smile on his face. "LOOK AT IT!" April yelled aggressively as she pointed to the board. 

"Oh, ok." The professor said with a smile and turned back to the board. Once s, April leaned he was sure the professor wasn't looking at her over the desk and swiped the ID. "You know, I could probably stare at this equation all day." The professor said, still not noticing that April had ran off with his ID. Once she was far from the classroom, April slammed open some doors that was restricted and only meant for certain types of staff with a the right clearance. She then walked through the doors and grabbed her phone again, a backpack now on her back as she began to record herself.

"This is April O'Neil, investigative reporter, Eastlaird University Daily News. For years, this college shot down rumors that a foreign government is secretly paying them millions to develop a super-toxic herbicidal deforestation bomb." April explained as she turned her phone to record a door with several warning signs or signs saying "Restricted" on it. You could also tell that April had been doing more work on this since the recording time labeled on the top was 00:05:50. She then turned the phone back at herself. "Those rumors end today, because I'm about to blow the lid off Big Chem." April said, then putting the recording in pause as she walked up to the scanner.

She looked behind herself as she rose the Professor's ID to the scanner, the doors unlocking within seconds as April smiled and slipped in. She snuck by a few desks, looking left and right before jumping ahead. April then rolled to her right and stopped for a moment, looking around as she said, "April O'Neil." very quietly as she crawled over to a desk. She then got her phone again and rose it above the desk, the device's flashlight shining on all sorts of vials and papers. She stood up a bit and smiled as she turned her camera on again. "Ooh, this stuff looks nasty!" She said and began to take pictures of everything. But apparently, she was too loud as a guard came walking in. "Hey! Who's there?" The guard demanded but seemed confused as he didn't see anyone in his flashlight's direction.

All he saw was a vial spinning next to a vial holder that was now empty. Seeing that, he began to shine the light everywhere as he assumed someone was here. But outside on the rooftop, April hid with a smirk. Once the guard had left the room to go investigate deeper into the building, she jumped down and landed gracefully. "Evidence, baby." April said with a smirk, she then stood up quickly and yelped as her phone slipped out of her hand. Play a quick game of "Hot Potato", April tried catching her phone before it eventually fell to the ground. The screen breaking as well as the rest of the phone. "Oh boy." April said as her eye twitched as she looked at what remained of her device.

It sparked for a moment and it left April to remain dead silent, looking around before smiling and reaching into her jacket's pocket. "Well, it's a good thing video ain't the only thing I took." April sang quietly as she pulled out a vial and spun it between her fingers before reaching for her bag. She pulled it off and let the vial fall inside where the missing vials remained as well as some of her school thing. She then zipped up the bag and again, looked around to make sure no one saw her before reaching for her phone and slipping it into her pocket, she'd probably have to ask Donnie to help her fix it. but as April had grabbed her phone, Casey landed on the college's building thanks to his zip line. Ezra appeared thanks to his tunnel and looked at the photo Casey pulled out again.

"April! Yes!" Casey said as he looked at the photo and put it away. "So, who's gonna talk to her?" Ezra asked as he looked at Casey. "Both of us?" Casey said as if that was obvious. "Right, great idea. Two random people walking up to her saying her name with masks on and battle worn clothing is an awesome idea. Not to mention she'll notice I'm either a yokai or mutant and might attack us." Ezra said with a smug smile as he pushed his mask up. Casey sighed and held up a fist to Ezra. "Fine, Loser has to talk to her." Casey said, Ezra smiled mischievously, and both played a quick round of rock-paper-scissors-shoot! Ezra smirked as he chose paper and Casey chose rock. "Have fun." Ezra said with a smug smile as he sat back, Casey sighed and shot a zip line again to swing down, running up to April once he landed on the ground. "Commander O'Neil-"

"CATLIKE REFLEX!" April yelled as she punched Casey to hard that he fell to the ground. Ezra blinked in April and Casey and laughed nervously, he was kinda glad he won the match as April started yelling at Casey, who now lying on the ground unconscious. "What's the matter with you, creeping up on a person in the dark!" April demanded but sighed when Casey didn't answer. She didn't even flinch when Casey's zip line went hay-wire and shot out the zipline. It didn't latch onto anything and just keep shooting out as April looked at Casey again. "What the..." April whispered as she noticed the photo Casey had. She picked it up and looked at it, turning her gaze to Casey before looking at the symbol on his cloak. "Genius Built? But Don's tech isn't even being sold..." April said and looked at Casey, her eyes narrowing as she shoved the photo in her pocket.

"Aw man, I gotta help him!" Ezra said as he quickly got up and was about to jump down until he saw April dragging Casey to a sewer lid. "Wait... is she..." Ezra asked as he watched silently, April looked at Casey's arm and pushed a button to rip the cord back into its compartment. April looked around again before opening the sewer lid and helping Casey down it carefully, April to sigh in relief when she looked down the sewer entrance and then climbed in herself, putting the lid above where it went before Ezra smiled brightly. "She might be taking him to the others!" Ezra said and was about to tunnel after April but stopped. The others would be twenty years younger than Ezra and Casey knew them, what if they weren't the same? Ezra frowned and sat on the building, he sighed and closed his eyes. He'd just listen for now and if anything got out of hand, he'd jump in.

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