The drive to Metro Tower

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"What do we do with this?" April asked, pointing to the device as Donnie and Mikey were the only ones to follow Leo. "We can't just bring it with us, but we can't just leave it behind." Casey said, then April took it out of his hand and put her other hand on her hip. "Then we should destroy it. Splints and I will stay here and take care of business." April said as Casey turned around. Splinter grunted as he tried to but a pad on his leg but gave Casey a thumbs up. "I'll stay here." Usagi offered as he leaned against the chair Splinter was sitting against. "If the Krang are as bad as you both say, then someone should stay behind if Splinter is injured. " Usagi said, Splinter also gave a thumbs up to that idea. "Okay then Casey, let's get going!" Ezra said with a tired smile but was stopped as Venus put her hand to his chest. "You freaked out when you saw the krang, I think you should stay here." Venus said, Ezra's tail flicked in annoyance.

"It was only one time, it won't happen again." Ezra said, but Venus rose a brow at Ezra. "I don't care if you came from a future where war is a normal thing for 14 year olds-" "I'm 16." Ezra corrected Venus, a frown on his face. Venus froze for a bit and looked at Casey, who nodded in confirmation. "Oh..." Venus said and looked at Ezra. "H-how tall are you?" Venus asked, Ezra put his hands on his hips. "4 foot, 9 inches." Ezra said, Splinter sighed and climbed over the sofa's edge. "I use my grandfather abilities and say Ezra can go!" Splinter said with a smirk, Ezra cheered in delight and ran down the stairs to go find his uncles as Venus glared at Splinter. "I don't want to hear it; you were a full-fledged assassin at his age. I'm sure he can handle a recuse mission." Splinter said as he waved his hand at Venus, she rolled her eyes and marched after Ezra. "I was a forced full-fledged assassin at his age." Venus mumbled under her breath, Casey was about to follow but stopped and turned to April with a smile.

"Thanks, Commander O'Neil." Casey said before going down the stairs. Usagi smiled as April grinned. "'Commander'? I like the sound of that." April said and watched as everyone walked to the garage. But once he made it to the garage, both Ezra and Casey looked at the turtle tank in shock. "What is this thing?!" Casey asked with a smile, you could hear Donnie laugh as everyone loaded into the tank. Venus, Ezra and Casey had to stand while Mikey and Donnie steered the van. "Hold on to your gluteus maximi!" Donnie said as the garage turned out to be on the surface, allowing the teens to race out onto the streets in broad daylight. "The Turtle Tank, baby! It's how we roll in the past." Mikey said with a grin as as he pointed to his console. Ezra and Casey stood in between Mikey and Donnie while Venus stood next to Leo in the captain's chair. 

"I mean, the present. I mean..." Mikey said as he held his chin in thought, Casey looked at Mikey in confusion as Ezra just watched the buttons on Donnie's console. "Ugh, time travel's confusing." Mikey huffed, a screen appearing in front of Ezra that Donnie and Leo turned too. "They're on the move." Donnie said and moved the screen so that everyone can see it. "According to the subcutaneous tracker I put on Raph-" "Wait, does that mean you put trackers on all of us?" Leo asked, eyes narrowing slightly as everyone turned to Donnie. It was silent for a moment as Donnie looked at everyone. "No?" Donnie said, Venus scoffed as she put her hands on her hips.  "No, of course I did... n't." Donnie said, his brows furrowing as the pressure of his siblings, future nephew and Casey's questioning glares. He then quickly pushed a button on the dash to change the screen into a 3D model of itself. "Based on their trajectory, they're headed-"

"- To the tallest building in the city." Ezra said, Casey's brows furrowed at the mention as everyone turned to Ezra. "That's right, Metro Tower." Donnie said, everyone then looked at Donnie while Ezra and Casey stared at the Model. "I heard the stories so many times as a kid, but I never thought..." Casey said, taking a minute to look at the model as everyone but Ezra looked at the model. " And behold, from their perch atop New York City, the Krang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was terror, and what rained down upon us was worse than death." Casey repeated, the story engraved in his mind like his name. You could tell Leo grew worried by the story; Ezra frowned at the memory as Donnie looked ahead. Concerned they might not do what they plan to do without something going horribly wrong. Even Venus seemed shocked by the story and shifted her gaze to Ezra as Mikey turned back around in his chair.

"They told that to kids?!" Mikey yelled as he gripped his head, Leo, Casey and Venus looking at Mikey as he slid down further in his chair. "Man, the future is harsh." Mikey said, but Ezra looked at Mikey with a bright smile. "That's not fully true. In the future, Uncle Leon and Mr. Snow get mar-" Casey lunged forward and closed his friend's mouth, a nervous smile on his face. "What was that about me and Usagi?" Leo asked, then Casey whispered something to Ezra and gave his friend a look. "Uh... Casey just doesn't want me to tell you that.... uh..." Ezra said as he looked around before coming up with an idea. "That you and Mr. Snow would get stuck in the marches! Yeah! You would yank him into the mud and saw it was to practice camouflage, but we all knew it was to make Mr. Snow feel better when he was tired." Ezra said with a smile, Casey nodded.

 "But you guys didn't do it often because the Krang was always on the watch for people to abduct." Casey said with a frown. "Well, I'm not gonna let that happen. We need to get into Metro Tower without being spotted. We'll take the subway tunnels." Leo said, buying the lie while Venus looked at the two future duo with a skeptical eye. "Subway tunnels don't offer much in the way of an escape if we need it. Are you sure about this?" Donnie asked as he look back at his brothers, brows furrowed as he knew this was a bad idea. "Yeah, maybe we should-"  "Guys, we're doing it my way. Remember?" Leo interrupted Mikey when he turned back around, shoving his finger on the chair he sat on. Mikey and Donnie went silent, looking at each other in hopes the other would say something. But they stayed silent because they needed to focus on getting Raph back instead of Leo's attitude.

Ezra saw and looked at Venus, who shrugged her shoulders. Ezra frowned and looked ahead, knowing he couldn't say much. But Venus looked at Leo again and narrowed her eyes. "Y'know the reason Usagi stayed behind was because of how you're acting, right?" Venus whispered to Leo as she looked ahead, Leo looked at her with annoyance. "What are you talking about? I'm acting completely normal." Leo whispered back, Venus scoffed and shoved her hands into her hoodie. "I'ma call BS on that right now." She said and looked at him. "While I'm glad you're taking the leader role serious, you're acting like you have to be in control of everything." Venus said as she gestured to Leo. "I do have to be in control of everything, I'm the leader of this team who's staying on task." Leo said, Venus narrowed her eyes.

"No, you're a leader that's making this mission way more personal than it should be." Venus huffed; Leo narrowed his eyes at Venus. "Of course, I'm making this personal, Raph got kidnapped! Why are you being so chill about it?!" Leo whisper yelled, though everyone could hear it, they chose not to say anything. "I am worried okay? But I also know that Raph is the strongest out of all of us. Not to mention, I had to deal with someone's blood on my hands. That someone was my old girlfriend, so don't pull that 'you've never been in my situation before' BS." Venus said, pointing a finger at Leo and shoving it into his face. Leo looked at Venus and was about to say something, but then remembered when they first met Venus. She lived off her instincts, which ran off fear and her skills she had gained. While she grew up differently than Leo, she was forced to learn the responsibilities she had over other people. 

Not to mention that now that Raph was temporally gone, Venus would have to be the moral support for everyone, and it was obvious that even though Venus has grown in the two years, Venus wasn't the kind of person to comfort someone if hugs didn't help. Leo looked away from Venus and stayed silent, shifting his gaze over to Ezra. Donnie was smiling as he made a screen for Ezra to randomly push buttons, several colors and music played when he touched the buttons. Then he found the "Fart" button and kept pushing it while looking at Casey with a cheeky grin, Casey smacked his forehead as he shook his head. "Well, at least I know one thing." Leo said and looked back at Venus, who had both hands back in her hoodie pocket. "In the future, you're a great mom." Leo said, then Venus looked at Ezra and frowned.

"And yet, he nearly got into a panic attack that only Casey could pull him out of." Venus said, fiddling with her fingers from inside her pouch. "If that's the case, why does he find comfort in your old mask?" Leo asked, Venus looked at Leo for a moment and then at Ezra. He was now fighting over the screen with Casey, keeping it far from the human as the fox kept pushing the fart button. Venus smirked at the duo and then decided to break up their fight since Donnie was driving.

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