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It had been a few minutes and Ezra had gone silent. Leo was staring at the photo and Casey was still digging. Leo kept looking at everyone in the photo, Usagi's confused grin, the others smile and Donnie's smug grin. But then he stopped at Venus, staring at her for a moment before looking at Ezra. His ears were still pinned down and his tail remained lifeless. But you could tell he was doing something as his arms grabbed some grabbed some random rubble and shifted it back to his front. Leo put the photo into his back pouch as he stared at Ezra, then turned to see Casey yelped as he fell. He sat up with annoyance on his face before pushing something up on both arms and went back to digging. Leo then looked back at Ezra and frowned even more.

He stood up and walked over to Ezra, Casey noticed and stopped what he was doing to watch as Leo sat next Ezra, a smile on the turtle's face. "What'ca doing here, bud?" Leo asked softly, Ezra paused his actions before sighing shakily. Leo looked in front of him and saw Ezra had drawn two circles from the dirt. One closer to Leo had seven small stones inside of it. The one on Ezra's opposite side had several small stones inside of it, but one was a little larger than the others. A hand sized rock stood between the two rocks, these meant something, but Leo just couldn't figure out what. "Po-itch." Ezra said shakily as he pointed to the circle with several rocks. Leo was about to ask Ezra what Po-itch was until Ezra pointed to the circle in front of Leo. "Earth."

"Planets..." Leo said and looked at Ezra with a frown. "You're from another planet, aren't you?" Leo asked, Ezra nodded and then looked at the circle labeled as Po-itch. He then grabbed the biggest rock from the circle and held it in his palm, moving his hand closer to Leo. Leo watched silently as Ezra pointed at the rock and then at himself. "You, this rock is you." Leo said, Ezra nodded at this and set the rock back with the other two it sat by. Leo guessed those were Ezra's bio parents as Ezra picked up the rock that didn't go into either circle. "Krang." Ezra spoke as he held the rock up for Leo to say. Leo nodded and watched silently; Ezra placed the rock in an empty space of Po-itch.

Ezra proceeded to move the rock around a bit before he grabbed the Ezra rock. "Me, peace offering." Ezra said, Leo was shocked by this and looked at the rock with slight anger. "You were forced to be a peace offering to the Krang?" Leo asked, Ezra nodded and put the Ezra rock in-between the circles again. "Can you tell me who made you do that?" Leo asked, wanting some answer, Ezra then picked up the rocks that he sat his by the entire time. "Are those your bio parents?" Leo asked as he pointed to the two rocks, Ezra nodded and set the rocks down back at Po-itch. "Those mother-" Leo was stopped when Ezra held up his hand and then picked up the Krang rock. He reached behind him and pulled out a small bomb arrow he had and held it against the Krang rock.

"Wait, what are you-" Leo was interrupted again when Ezra then made the arrow hit the Po-itch planet and rested the Krang rock next to Ezra's. Ezra sat there and watched the small fire that had formed on Po-itch and stayed silent, watching the flames dance in the air as Leo shifted his gaze between the fire and Ezra. Then Ezra blew out the flame and used another pile of dirt to cover the many small rocks on Po-itch. His tail then rose up and swept away and existence of the Po-itch. In summary, even after Ezra was offered up by his own parents, the Krang still destroyed and killed all of those on Po-itch and then going for the planet itself. Ezra stayed silent before looking at Leo, Ezra's eyes were tired and emotionless. It kinda shocked Leo because he remembered the first few moments he had with Ezra, how the kid was slightly chaotic in a funny way. 

Not to mention he was respectful of the others; he even offered other nicknames for Leo when Ezra first called him Uncle Leon. He let Mikey mess with his tail because the box turtle was freaking out and still addressed Venus as Mom instead by her actual name, even when the two were very close in age. Goes to show that Ezra was good at not dwelling on the past until it comes to bite him worse than before. Ezra then turned to the earth circle and pointed at all the rocks in it. "Hamato clan." Ezra said. Leo frowned and watched as Ezra reached for the Krang rock again. Leo reached forward and lightly grasped Ezra's wrist. The fox turned to Leo in confusion but then felt Ezra's hand being put into his lap. "I'm gonna ask you some questions, you answer with a simply headshake, alright?" Leo asked, knowing that Ezra was in a fragile state and didn't want Ezra to explain what happened to him, his brothers, his sister and Usagi, or even April.

Ezra looked away for a moment as he was afraid, but Leo put a hand onto the fox's shoulder. "Hey, this is gonna be really important." Leo said as Ezra looked up at him, Casey remained silent before looking at the stone again. "I don't care what the answer is as long as it's the truth. Even if I don't like it, I'm gonna deal with it because you're my family. Family cares about family even when it gets ugly, okay?" Leo said, Ezra looked at the ground again for a moment before looking back at Leo and nodding. "Okay, do you really have a chip inside your mind the Krang used to control you?" Leo asked, Ezra took a moment before nodding. "Okay, but did Venus fry it?" Leo asked, Ezra nodded at the answer.

"Okay, do you know what the Krang made you do while they controlled you?" Leo asked, Ezra looked at the ground and touched his chin, trying to think. Casey noticed and sighed, sitting up and began to dig more. "The Krang would take control of him while he was asleep, then control his body to hack into Donnie's computers to access certain files before sending it to the Krang themselves. They'd only watch while Ezra was awake." Casey voice rang through, both Ezra and Leo looked over and saw Casey was still digging. Leo frowned and looked back at Ezra. "Hey..." Leo said as Ezra looked up at him. "I'm sorry about what happened between you with the Krang, its starting to make me realize that I shouldn't have blamed neither you or Casey for Raph getting kidnapped." Leo said, Ezra's ears lifted up a bit at the apology as Leo rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's been two years since I became leader and I blame everyone for my mistakes, Casey was right when he said I need to know my actions can get people really hurt." Leo said and stood up, Ezra looked at him as Leo put his hands on his hips. "But if we're gonna get through this and beat those Krang, I'm gonna need one hilarious Fox nephew from the future." Leo said with a smirk and held a handout to Ezra, who looked at it with slight surprise before looking back at Leo again. "Think you can help?" Leo said, Ezra looked at Leo's hand and a determined smirk grew on his face. His ears went back up and his tail began to sway as Ezra grabbed Leo's hand and let his uncle help him up. "Let's go kick some Krang ass." Ezra said, Leo laughed a bit and patted Ezra's head.

 "I'll let that one pass, just don't tell your mother. She'll kill me." Leo said, Ezra smiled mischievously and put his hands on his hips to mimic his uncle. "No promises." Ezra said, Leo slid Ezra's mask back onto the fox's face fast and smirked as Ezra lost balance for a quick moment. Back with Casey, he managed to get towards the bigger pieces and moved one away. When he looked up, he gasped softly and saw an elevator sign through a medium sized hole. He then got to work as he pushed a thicker chunk of concrete, Leo coming over and moving a giant piece which allowed the three to see the wall completely. When Casey saw the piece shift, he looked over and narrowed his eyes while Leo looked at the future teen with a kind smile.

Casey was silent and threw his body against the wall in hopes of breaking it. Sure, he might regret what he said to Ezra, who remained a few feet behind Leo, but what Casey said to Leo needed to be said. "Look, I know I'm not the Leo you knew in the future, and maybe I never will be." Leo said as Casey paused for a moment and then threw his body against the wall again, some dust falling down. Casey did stop and looked at Leo again, realizing Leo was apologizing. "This whole time I was sure my family needed me. But the truth is, I need them." Leo said, remembering the realization he came to as he looked at the photo. "And if we're gonna survive this, we have to do it together." Leo said, Ezra climbing over and stood between the two. The three then used their strength and threw themselves against the wall, causing a hole to break open, Leo nearly fell down but caught himself with the broken wall.

Ezra yelped as he tried to grab something, only for someone to grab his hood. "Huh?" Ezra said and looked back, seeing it was Casey who grabbed his hood. Ezra smiled and gave him a thumbs up as Casey sighed in relief and pulled Ezra back as Leo looked up and saw the shaft did go up a great deal. Leo kicked the hole open more before allowing Ezra and Casey to look up. Then the three backed away from the wall and let Leo get a running start before jumping for the cable and climbing up. Casey smirked at Leo before he climbed onto the rope, Ezra smiling as he also hopped on and climbed up.

Who are you: volume 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora