Meeting Younger Ezra

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A/n: The entire family being in the LGBTQAI+ community is a headcanon! Though I do think Nickelodeon actually addressed Donnie with He/They pronouns so I dunno if that's canon for sure.

As promised, Venus began to explain to her brothers and Splinter. She explained that she knew the safest place for younger Ezra would be at Todd's, who can literally convince anyone to help him with a simple smile. That and Venus was convinced he had some secret bunker someplace in the amusement park, everyone to this day still tried to convince Venus otherwise. "I didn't want the puppies to accidentally open the device so I put the pod in the shed, hope that's alright." Todd said as he guided the group to a bigger shed. Venus was a little ticked off with the thought but still felt happy Todd respected her wishes instead of opening the pod anyways. Todd then opened the door and Ezra's pod remained in the dead center. Venus allowed everyone inside and asked Raph to help her move the pod outside. They then set the pod down on the grassy field and Venus looked at all of them.

"Okay, so there is a little something I figured out about Ezra the other day." Mikey translated as Venus began to sign again. "I think you mentioned this already, yes." Donnie pointed out as he put a hand on his hip, trying to seem calm and collected. In reality, he was beyond excited to meet younger Ezra. "Right. I was gonna have Ezra explain it himself, but..." Mikey trailed off and everyone looked over to see Ezra and Casey laughing joyfully as they sat on the rides. "I will have to admit, my rides can be very distracting." Todd said with shrugged shoulders. "So we're just gonna cut straight to the point. I've already told Ezra that no matter who he wants to be, this family will accept him." Mikey translated again, leaving everyone confused. They were about to ask what Venus meant but stayed silent as she kneeled down and commanded a helipad to appear. She pushed a few buttons and the glass slid down, white mist blasted from the pod and it caused everyone to gasp softly.

As this was happening, Ezra and Casey were running over to show what prizes they had won from the games that Todd had made very easy to beat. "Guys! Look at all the stuff we... we..." Casey yelled but paused as he watched Venus sway the mist away and reach inside the pod. Ezra had gone silent but was extremely tense. Venus managed to grab younger Ezra and everyone seemed confused as they saw Younger Ezra yawn while being set on the ground. Her long hair reached to her long slim tail, and marks under her eyes matched the same ones on the tips of her tuffs. She rubbed her eyes and revealed her mint green eyes. Confusion filled her features as she saw Venus sitting in front of her. Younger Ezra looked around and began to relax, her ears twitching in several spots as she began to take in all the sounds of the forest surrounding her.

"This isn't the Technodrome..." Younger Ezra said, her voice was high pitched but low. "I am so confused..." Splinter said as he rubbed his head, younger Ezra looked at them and yelped, using the pod to hide from the turtles. They all gasped softly and the current Ezra furrowed his brows. He then shoved his stuff to Casey, who yelped quietly and looked at Ezra in confusion. "Ez?" Casey asked as Ezra walked over, Venus tried to reach out to Younger Ezra but she kept hissing at Venus. "Katniss." Ezra said, everyone, including the younger Ezra, looked up at the fox teen. "Do you remember who your family is? Who put you in this pod?" Ezra asked as he kneeled and pointed to the pod. Younger Ezra looked at the pod and furrowed her brows. "The Krang I think, what happened to our home?" Younger Ezra asked as she crawled a bit towards him, he frowned. "The Krang destroyed our home, mama and papa fought well. The Krang kept us alive though." Ezra said and looked at Venus with a kinda smile and then back to Younger Ezra.

"I managed to escape and ran off to find some heroes that could help us. Along the way, I found a new Mom." Ezra said and looked at Venus with a kind smile. Younger Ezra looked over at Venus in confusion, the turtle waved at the younger Ezra. "This turtle is named Venus, she found me and adopted me when no one else would help us. She and her brothers, plus a few friends, defeated Krang and helped me save you." Ezra said, younger Ezra looked at Venus, her gaze shifting at Venus. "Her neck is badly injured, so she can only communicate through writing, sign language, and something they call morse code. She wants to protect us." Ezra said, younger Ezra stood up and walked over to Venus, who remained still and looked at Younger Ezra silent. It was silent as hints of younger Ezra's eyes glowed a bit. A smile slowly etched onto her face before she hugged Venus with a smirk.

"Momma." Younger Ezra said, Venus smiled at this and hugged Younger Ezra back. The turtles and Splinter began to sob a bit as Ezra explained to Younger Ezra who each of the turtles was. April would've been there, but she got dropped off to go and find her parents and a few of her surface friends. Eventually, Casey directed younger Ezra to the amusement park and showed her a few of the puppies. "I have a few questions," Donnie said to current Ezra, everyone turned to Donnie. "For example, why is younger you, different?" Donnie said and gestured to younger Ezra, whose ears shifted towards their conversation. Ezra sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "So funny story, I'm transgender? I transitioned a few months after Mom adopted me." Ezra explained and looked at the family with a frown. "Mom already told me Uncle Leon is trans too and that you'll accept me, but I was worried that since this current time period is so far in the past than the one I and Casey are from..."

"You were worried we wouldn't accept you?" Mikey asked, Ezra remained dead silent and looked to the ground. He nodded but still remained silent, then the brothers and Splinter looked at each other and then at Ezra again. Venus saw the grins that grew on their faces and backed away. "INITIATE PROTOCOL ACCEPTING HUG!" Raph said, Ezra looked up in confusion, seeing the brothers and Splinter barrel towards him and put him in the center of the hug. "Ezra, I'm gonna make this as clear as I can. Not a single member of this family is either straight or cisgender. It's not a thing in this family." Donnie said with a shrug, Ezra looked over at Splinter too. The rat smirked at Ezra. "I'm what your uncles would call Bisexual." Splinter said with a chuckle. Ezra's smile grew as he closed his eyes and hugged the family tighter.

A little while later, Todd offered to make hot dogs and hamburgers for the family. He would've offered pizza, but all the pizza places were closed due to the Krang invasion. Not to mention all the construction and others things that were being fixed. "I kinda have a question." Raph said to Ezra as younger Ezra was getting a quick check-up from Donnie. "If you're transgender, how come your fur patterns are different than, uh... hers?" Raph asked as he gestured to Younger Ezra. "I asked one of your friends to put a spell on me to change my fur patterns to match the male version of me and Katniss's species." Ezra said with a shrugged shoulder. "Two things, you keep calling younger you 'Katniss', is that your dead name?" Mikey asked from the other side of the table. Ezra nodded and smiled at Mikey. "But I'm fine with hearing the name Katniss around. Besides, knowing you guys, you'll come up with a skyscraper tall of nicknames for her." Ezra said.

"Okay second thing, who is the friend that put a spell on you?" Mikey asked, now Ezra seemed confused. "Ronin? She hangs out with you guys often. In the future, she had these amazing spells that could do anything but she was always in her room because of her back injury." Ezra said and looked at Raph, who shrugged his shoulders. "Then again, Ronin is a nickname she'd go by often. I have no idea what her real name is but she definitely looks human." Ezra explained as he looked up. He frowned when he saw the confused expressions on his uncle's face and shrugged his shoulders again. "Eh, maybe you guys haven't met her yet. Doubt you will soon after the whole Krang attack." Ezra said, then they all turned when they heard gasping. They saw Todd standing in front of the two with a long-sleeved yellow shirt with brown stripes and a pair of dark blue overalls.

He also had a bag full of hair clips and hair ties in his other hand which also remained with some hair stylist scissors and a hair brush. "Oh oh! I wanna help!" Mikey said as he realized Todd was offering Katniss actually clothes to wear, dashing off as Venus also walked over.

A/n: Below is the one and only Katniss Hamato, the darwin fox from Po-itch. I know she looks weird, but I'm still working on drawing little kids better. If you guys are confused about anything, just comment and I'll try to answer it.

 If you guys are confused about anything, just comment and I'll try to answer it

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