What do I do in the future?

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It wasn't long until Donnie was able to get into the subway tunnels that led to Metro tower, but they would be driving for a bit since Donnie knew the abandoned subways better than the roads. "See? Smooth sailing." Leo said as Casey now stood at Leo's other side, Ezra still sat between Donnie and Mikey and was pushing the buttons on the tablet for the colors. "We'll have Raph in no time." Leo said, keeping the mission on his mind and nothing more. "I hope he's okay." Mikey said as he fiddled with his hands before looking up again. "How are awe gonna find him once we get there?" Mikey asked as worry grew on his forehead. Ezra noticed and smiled as he commanded his tail to go onto Mikey's lap. Mikey looked at the tail in slight delight and began to rack his fingers through the fur. It didn't seem to bother Ezra any, he didn't even flinch as he kept pushing the buttons to get to his favorite colors.

"I have a lot of questions regarding 'once we get there.'." Donnie said as his grip on the tank's wheel tightened. "Relax guys. We'll do what we always do. Ninja in, ninja their faces, ninja out." Leo said, shifting his arms around to explain the terribly thought through plan. "That's exactly how you freed all those families from the Krang labor camp." Casey said a bright smile as he remembered all the missions he did with future Leo. "Yeah, that sounds like me." Leo said as he looked up, trying to not let his ego get bigger again. "In the future, you guys are beyond amazing! The mystic powers you're able to harness are on a whole other level." Casey said, then Donnie got up and quickly activated the tank's auto pilot. "Of course! How come we haven't asked about my future? Don't let me down, I'm expecting big things for me." Donnie said with a grin as he got slid to Casey's other side. "How many Nobel prizes do I have? No, don't tell me, I wanna be surprised." Donnie said as he went back to his chair, hands behind his head as his feet rested on the wheel.

"Donnie, you were the most brilliant, innovative mind of all time." Casey admitted as Donnie smiled smugly. "Un-shocked, I am. Go on, continue to meet my expectations." Donnie said, Venus laughed a bit and looked at Ezra. "Does his forehead get any bigger?" Venus asked, Ezra laughed and nodded. "Yeah! But if I have to admit, you surprised me the most." Ezra said as he held his chin. "Oh yeah! You're nothing like how you are now than you were in the future." Casey said with a grin as he gestured to Venus. "Oh yeah? What did I do? Suddenly become a pacifist and give flowers to the lost children?" Venus said jokingly but stopped when Casey and Ezra looked at each other. "That's, shockingly spot on." Casey admitted, Ezra pushed a button where a "YE-AH!" meme roared out loud. Leo laughed as he slapped his knees. "I'm sorry, Venus. The Venus De Milo, became a pacifist in the future?" Leo laughed; Venus shot him a glare. "Yeah, Mom is the medic in the resistance. Normal Mr. Snow was but he usually goes on runs to find herbs and spices for said medicine since plant-life in pretty scare." Ezra explained with a shrug.

"You actually found Ezra in one of the destroyed allies bases the one time you went with Usagi." Casey explained, Ezra nodded and smiled at Venus. "Yup! A few years later, you adopted me and made me part of the Hamato clan!" Ezra said with a bright smile, but Venus frowned at Ezra. "How old were you when I found you?" Venus asked, Ezra hummed as he held his chin in thought. "Ten I think, my bio parents died because of a Krang attack." Ezra said as he looked back at the tablet again and began to push buttons again. "Well, what about Usagi?" Leo asked, Ezra turned to Casey. "Oh, he took care of food rations and scouting when he wasn't the medic. Usagi also hung out with you often and was usually the one to drag you out of training when you'd over work yourself." Casey said, everyone gave Leo a smirk. "Does that mean they're dating?" Mikey asked with a grin, Leo smacked his forehead as his cheeks burned bright red. Ezra and Casey looked at each other again before Casey rubbed the back of his neck. "We, never knew." Casey said, everyone looked at the future duo in confusion. 

"Master Leonardo was very secretive whenever we asked him or just dodge the question entirely. We asked Usagi and he did the same thing, we guess it was because you guys would be worried word would get to Krang and they'd target one of you since Master Leonardo was the leader of the resistance." Casey explained, Ezra began to push buttons again as Mikey messed with Ezra's tail. "If anyone was to get married, only the couple and future Uncle Mike would know since he's usually the one who'd make it official." Ezra said while pointing a thumb to Mikey. "Even though softshell have the strongest jaw strength, future Uncle Mikey kept his lips tight whenever we tried asking him." Ezra said, everyone looked at Ezra in confusion. "And you would know that, why?" Donnie asked, Ezra looked up at Donnie in annoyance. "You had a tendency to shove me and Casey into your Lab to try and make us smarter. You even nicknamed us 'Dumb and Dumber'." Ezra said, Casey laughed at the mention of the old nickname. "I'd get it if I gave you that nickname, but what did you two do for me to give you that nickname?" Donnie asked, both teens looked at Donnie with dead silence until Ezra clicked another button.

"ARSON!!!!" The keyboard yelled as Casey laughed nervously. "Yeah right." Donnie said, then Ezra kept pushing the button until Donnie finally got the point and took the screen from Ezra. "Alright, that's enough." Donnie said and made the screen disappear. "What do I do in the future?" Mikey asked with stars in his eyes, Casey turned over Mikey with a smile. "You are the most powerful mystic warrior the world has ever known." Casey said and walked over to Mikey, grabbing Mikey's wrist and pulling Mikey's hands up. "With those two hands, you sent both me and Ezra back in time!" Casey said and allowed Mikey to pull his hands back to look at them. He then looked ahead and thrusted them forward, grunting as he tried to do the same thing again. While Venus and Leo smiled at their younger brother's efforts, sadness reached Ezra and Casey's faces. A memory of Future Mikey winking at them came to their mind, Casey then looked at Donnie and the Mikey again after sighing.

A thought formed in his mind as Ezra slipped his tail into his own lap. "Actually, there is something I should tell you." Casey said, remaining silent for a moment before he opened his mouth to say something. But then the van jerked to a stop, causing Venus and Mikey go flying backwards, Donnie was shoved against the windshield as Ezra clung onto the floor thanks to his claws. Casey just had to grab a bar from above as Leo held onto the giant chair. The van then slammed down as the subway before them was covered in slime and other things that reminded the group of Krang all to much. Yup, they were in the right place. "Auto brake engaged." The turtle tank's AI spoke as the tank now refused to move any further. Donnie was able to pull away from windshield and rubbed his forehead as everyone else walked over to the glass to see what remained in front of them. "Wow. Think we're in the right place?" Leo asked as he noticed the subway looked more trashed than their subway when they first found it and called it home.

"Looks like the Metro Tower station is on the other side of those vines." Donnie said as he looked at his tech gauntlet to track Raph's position. "Great, let's hoof it." Leo said as everyone moved out. Ezra stood up and grabbed his bow, grabbing a normal arrow out of his quiver on his back to prepare himself before the door opened. "Through the disgusting, drippy slime jungle?" Donnie yelled as he stood up, sending a glare at Leo. The turtle in blue stopped his movements before turning around and giving Donnie a deadpanned expression. Donnie sighed as he slouched in defeat. "I know. I know. Leo knows best, but I'm not sharing my hand sanitizer." Donnie said with rolled eyes as he grabbed  bo-staff.

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