Trapped truths

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Leo and Casey stood back-to-back as they sliced up any remaining vines that kept coming for them. Ezra gasped as he saw one vine wrap around Casey's torso and lift him away. "Uncle!" Ezra yelled, Leo saw and was quick to react, Ezra went back to shooting the arrows, but they weren't doing much. As the attacks kept coming, the three grew more tired, they then looked up as the attacks stopped for a moment. Now seeing the train coming for them, the three could only run in some hopes of finding a bigger battle area. But as they kept running, the train followed them and began to destroy the ceiling above them. It was a miracle that the three were able to dodge the debree from the ceiling.

Soon, the train lunged for a final attempt, only to miss the three and ended up making the ground ripple up like a wave. It caused the three to get slammed into a wall, Leo got up quickly and looked around, seeing Ezra and Casey looking at him for help as the ground beneath them began to crumble. The three yelled in surprise as the ground caved in and caused the three to fall, their exit blocked by more debree falling and trapping them in the small pocket of space. But back with April, she looked at her help-button watch and tried contacting Donnie as she, Splinter and Usagi ignored the krang-ifed Metro Tower. "Donnie, come in! They found us, where should we go? Donnie?!" April yelled, anxiety all over her features as Usagi tried to focus more on driving than what April was trying to say.

"We're -trapped!" Donnie yelled through the communicator. Back at the tank, a robotic arm reached over to a new battle shell and began to put it onto Donnie's real shell. "We are trapped in the subway under Metro Tower. The tank is running on emergency power and is covered in some kind of Krang bio-growth. I repeat-" Donnie was interrupted as Mikey grabbed his wrist and shoved Donnie to the side a little. "April, come quick! We're getting squished!" Mikey yelled through April's communicator, she seemed shocked for a moment before looking at her help button with furrowed brows. "We're on our way!" April yelled into the communicator, Splinter looking back as Usagi listened now. It seemed most of the streets were blocked off because of the state Metro Tower was in.

"But April, how will we get them out?" Splinter asked, knowing they didn't have any weapons on them other than a bat and a katana. April smiled as she reached into her bag. "I've got an idea." She said as she held up three more vials, Splinter's eyes going wide with realization as Usagi slowed down and went behind Splinter. "Yeesh! Remind me never to get on your bad side." Splinter said, making a hard left before going down a subway entrance, Usagi not far as his grip grew on the Shell-hogs handlebars. "Just wait a little longer, Leo. We're on our way." Usagi whispered as he drove through.


Leo's hand began to twitch as he woke, looking up to see he landed in a room that was full of debree. He pushed off a sign that had fell on top of him and held his side, feeling pain on his torso. "Casey! Ezra?!" Leo yelled and tried to sit up more but gasped in pain and fell onto his other side and held the sharp pain. He then heard grunting and knew who it was as the debree in front of him began to move around. "Casey, Ez, you both okay?" Leo asked seeing, Casey shove the debree off him while Ezra's hand reached out. Ezra gave a thumbs up as Leo sighed and sat up, using the wall next him to help him sit. Ezra then pulled back his fist, the debree above him getting blown off by a arrow. Ezra then popped out and looked at Casey and Leo before he tried pushing himself up.

Once he made sure the two were okay, Leo turned to his wrist, the help button communicator appearing on his wrist. "Donnie, Mikey, Venus, anybody?" Leo asked through the communicator as Ezra rolled down the pile and went behind Leo as he rolled. He then sat up and looked at Leo while Casey dusted himself off. "We be in a burrow, my dudes!" Ezra said as his legs sat crisscrossed and punched his arms into the air. Leo only chuckled at this, giving Ezra an aggressive head rub you'd use to purposely ruffle someone's hair. Once Casey got out of his hole, he stood up and dusted himself off, pushed his mask up and slid down the slope, squatting once he stood a foot or two from Leo.

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