Fighting for the Key

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"Oh no, we're too late!" Casey said sadly and looked down in fear, Ezra's eye twitched. Then Ezra began to laugh, but you could tell it was forced as anger contorted his face with a forced smile. His claws scratching at the wooden chair, everyone watched the teen in concern as he moved from Casey and began to walk down another abandoned train track. "Oh boy.... " Casey said nervously as his friends laughs began to echo. "What?" Mikey asked, then the laughing stopped, and you could hear many crashes, as well as Ezra yelling 1's and 0's. "What's he saying?" Usagi asked, then Donnie gasped dramatically. Everyone turned to him as Donnie looked at Venus. "Your kid has got a giant potty mouth!" Donnie explained, everyone looked at him with blunt expressions. "Can you at least tell us what he's speaking?" Venus asked, gesturing to the clouds of smoke that began to grow.

"Apparently little Ezra knows Binary Code, it's usually use on computers. I also use it when I talk with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N." Donnie explained as he patted his chest. Then Ezra came zooming out and pounced onto Leo. Leo yelped but was able to stay standing as Ezra grabbing his black strap that went across his chest. "YOU LOST IT?!" Ezra yelled, Leo nodded a little and yelped again when Ezra got off him. "Oh, we're so screwed, so screwed, so, so, so, MASSIVELY SCREWED!" Ezra yelled as he grabbed his ears and walked to a corner, quickly sitting in it and letting his tail wrap around him as he pulled his hood on. He hugged his legs to his chest and hid his face in his knees. Everyone stayed dead silent as Casey looked at the ground in sadness, Venus bit her lip and then walked over to Ezra. Kneeling to his side and putting a hand on his shoulder. The fox flinched very badly and looked to see who touched him.

Venus smiled at him and stayed silent when Ezra hugged Venus quickly. She was surprised by the sudden action but only sighed and pulled his hood down, giving the teen head rubs while hugging his shaking body. What did the Krang do to these kids? That was all the rang through Venus's mind as she tried her best to comfort Ezra. Raph looked at Venus hugging Ezra before looking at Casey. Then an idea began to morph in his mind as he shifted his gaze between the two groups. "No we're not!" Raph said, everyone looked at him, Ezra just moved his head a little so one eye could look at Raph. "'Cause we know who has the key, the Foot Clan." Raph said as he held the photo up for everyone to see the sketch. "Okay team, we gotta find them before they us it, and this time, we do it together!" Raph said as he turned to Leo with a glare, shoving a finger to Leo's chest, making his point very clear.

Leo looked at Raph with a annoyed glare and quietly mimicked Raph's words before following him, everyone began to file out of the room. Well, except for Casey, who was still stuck tied to the chair. "Uh, can someone untie me now?" Casey asked, trying to get out of his own. "Oh no!" Casey yelped as he fell to the ground. Don't worry, they got him out.


The ship the Foot Clan used docked at an island with a destroyed building. Hypno, Foot Brute and Foot lieutenant walked into the building. It was full of plants that had somehow survived, random boxes and more trash that had washed up from the ocean. Warren was also there but rested on Hypno's shoulder as he began to talk. "Villian to villain, your hideout is a bit... lacking." Hypno said, the giant door behind them closing and now left the room building dark once again. "Might I suggest some velvet, a fireplace, maybe a fuzzy white cat with a diamond necklace?" As Hypno offered the suggestions, Warren looked around. It wasn't until a torch with purple flames lit up the room that caused Hypno to stay silent and stop walking.

Soon, more torches lit up to act like a barrier for the walkway that Foot lieutenant walked in. Several foot clan members were revealed everywhere, some even stood by the giant arch which would help the clan release the Krang, just as planned. "Tonight, we liberate our master from their dimensional prison. With this key, we shell free them to lay waste to the world and enslave its people!" Foot lieutenant said as he held the key in his hand. Hypno looked around, slightly concerned with the army of foot soldiers around them as Warren spoke. "Ah, I thought we were just gonna rob a bank and be, you know, crime buddies." Warren said with a nervous grin on his face, but no one laughed or even gave Warren some sort of reaction.

"We shall follow the Krang as they lead the Foot Clan to glory!" Foot lieutenant said, a evil smile on his face as he held the device. "Boooorrreeddd." Leo's voice rang, everyone looked at the broken glass ceiling and saw a giant portal with the one and only Hamato clan and co standing on the ceiling. "You!" Foot lieutenant yelled as everyone looked up. Leo, Casey, April, Mikey, Donnie and Ezra held their weapons as they were ready to start their fight, while Raph had his hands on his hips and Splinter hid his hands in his sleeves.  Venus had a single hand on her hip with a smirk as Usagi's had rested on his katana's hilt. "Leo!" Raph yelled at Leo, more annoyed that their element of Suprise was gone. "What? I was waiting for a good spot to jump in, but they just kept blabbity-blab-ing!" Leo complained as the portal behind them closed. "There is it! That's the key!" Casey yelled out as he saw the Foot lieutenant hold the device close to his chest.

Foot lieutenant narrowed his eyes and moved the device before pointing to the clan. "Get them! Don't let them interfere with the ceremony!" Foot lieutenant said as he commanded the clan to do as he said. Everyone jumped down as Venus used the lightning to zoom down to the ground, she looked up with a smirk as her arms were behind her, grabbing her fans and the proceeding to knock out as many soldiers she could. Back at the podium, the Foot lieutenant put the key in a slot, some kind of sigil carvings surrounding the key. The moment the key was placed inside, the artifact and the marks glowed bright pink, sparks blew off the device as Foot lieutenant smiled evilly. Back with the others, Casey used his zipline to swing up and kick a few soldiers down.

Once he landed, he looked over and his eyes went wide. "No!" Casey said, looking up to see a portal had begun to open, more soldiers ran to fight Casey. "It started!" Casey yelled as he grabbed his weapon and hit them with his hockey sitck/saw. "He's unlocking the doorway! We need to get up there right now!" Casey said, hitting a few more soldiers, Ezra hit a few but only freeze them or blew them away. Turns out his weapon allowed him to control certain elements at times. "Casey, go. We've got you covered." Leo said as he opened a portal under Casey, causing the teen to be slightly spooked before falling in. Leo ducked as some soldiers tried to stop Casey, but the portal had already closed. Foot lieutenant then looked behind him as he heard Leo's portal open again, Casey being shot in the air. He spun his weapon before trying to hit the Foot lieutenant as he came down.

But the Foot lieutenant was able to dodge Casey's attack and attempted to kick Casey. but with the amount of battle experience Casey's had, he was able to not only jump out of the way, but use his zipline to wrap around the arch, spin around that and kick the Foot lieutenant in the back, sending him down the stairs before Casey landed on his own two feet. He then raced to the key and tried grabbing it, but was too late a pink sonic boom pushed him back. Now it was his turn to fall down the stairs and land on his front, his weapon some feet from him. A giant pink beam launched into the air as the portal was covered in a pink tissue and grabbed onto the arch way, everyone looks at the arch and gasped in fear. But Ezra groaned in slight pain as he held his head, opening one eye as he looked at the portal.

Once the beam had disappeared, so did Ezra's headache. Pink lightning crashed near the portal and everyone knew that it didn't belong to Venus as she narrowed her eyes and looked ahead. "Oh no." Casey gasped as he looked ahead, a tall figure with only tentacles for limbs slowly walked out, a glare on his face as his body resembled the same tissue that had made the portal, his eyes bright yellow.

This alien was known as Krang Prime.

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