Prime, Huntress and Polymath

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Hypno and Warren looked at each other, concern on their faces as they used the shadows to escape the scene. Leo ran over to Casey to help him sit up but kept a glare on Krang Prime as Casey spoke. "Oh no, they're here!" Casey yelled, everyone raced over to stand behind Casey and Leo, all except Ezra. He had seen Krang Prime, and Ezra's body went dead still. You couldn't tell because he wore his mask and hood, but his face screamed terror. His body shook a little as his mystic arrow began to lose it's shape and flickered, but no one noticed as Krang Prime was their main focus. "Then let's make sure their visit's short and sweet." Raph said as he aimed a fist at Krang Prime. Speaking of the alien, Prime touched the cement floor to make sure it was safe to walk in before walking further in the world.

He took some deep breathes as oxygen filled his lungs. "I'm finally FREE!" Prime yelled with a giant grin, he then looked to the side with a distasteful frown. "The people of this planet, will pay for what they've done to me." Prime said in annoyance but looked up as Raph's voice began to ring out. "Welcome to Earth. I hope you don't enjoy your stay!" Raph yelled as he used his strength to launch him up, his ninpo covering his forearms again as he attempted to punch Prime. Only for Prime to use his tentacles to block Raph's attack with ease and then raise the teen up by grabbing Raph by his neck. He then pulled Raph close to demand why Raph even bothered to attack him, until everyone but Ezra again circled around him, their weapons in hand. April and Mikey slid behind him and planned to attack him from both sides.

Mikey spun in the air as he whipped his nun-chucks around, April jumping up as her bat flared its green flame. Prime quickly shifted his glance between the two before using another tentacle to grab April's bat and wrap Mikey's weapon around his other tentacle. Mikey and April were shocked by the reaction before being yanked forward, APril getting slammed into the ground as Raph was thrown up, Mikey was able to land on the ground and attempted to pull Prime away, until Prime used April to push Mikey and Splinter away, the rat had stepped in at the wrong time. Raph had been slammed into the ground as Donnie and Casey raced up for their turn. Usagi spun his katana around and commanded some plants to try and hold back Prime as Venus did a small dance to command some lightning to go a certain direction.

Prime easily swatted Casey away and flung Donnie up and pull Raph up, flicking them both away and saw the vine and lighting coming for him. But Since Venus was commanding the portal's lightning at her will, the plants were going in the opposite direction, so Prime just waited for the right time before moving to the side, the lighting racing against the vines and frying all the plants in the building. Then it was Leo's turn, he came up from a portal he made on the ground, jumping in the air and throwing a single katana at Prime. It surged with his ninpo energy but did nothing as Prime batted it away, Leo then teleported to it and attempted to make an attack from the back.

But Prime saw and only narrowed his eyes, making his tentacles sharp as Leo blocked a attack from Krang, his eyes also narrowed. Leo was able to push back from the attack and make a portal under himself right before Krang was able to strike Leo. As Leo kept trying to land an attack and dodge Prime's, Venus and Usagi tried to heal everyone. Venus was about to run to April to see if she needed help but saw Ezra frozen. "Ezra?" Venus asked, noticing as he stayed still, and his arrows kept changing from different forms. "Enough tricks!" Prime yelled, weird kills appearing on his sides and roared something that caused a orange and blue sonic beam to be unleashed. The second it hit Ezra, his eyes went wide and he dropped his bow, screaming in pain as he held his head and fell to his knees.

"EZRA!" Venus yelled as she commanded some lightning to make a dome barrier around herself and Ezra as she ran and hugged him. Blue flames phased off Leo as he tried to block the weird wave from hurting him, Donnie and Mikey tried to hold their ground as the same thing happened to them but with their signature colors. "Donnie! Mikey! NO!" Raph yelled as he made his massive Raph clone over himself and quickly grabbed his brother to protect them. But the clone began to disappear as the wave began to focus on him and his ninpo. Meanwhile, Usagi was forcing his katana up to block the wave, but bright mint green whisps phased off his blade as he tried to block the beam from Splinter while April held her hand in front of Casey as her bat did the same thing. But somewhere in the spiritual realm, a blue, red, orange and cyan magic surges were suddenly locked up in a pink orb. Then as soon as they appeared, they disappeared in a small twinkle.

But back to real time, once the wave disappeared, Leo changed his form. He quickly sliced the air in attempted to make a portal but gasped as he looked as his slightly flickering blade. Something was wrong, you could even hear Leo say, "No..." as he tried making a portal again but got no result. He would've kept trying, had Prime not jumped into the air and attempted to land an attack on Leo. Even though he was still shocked that his ninpo was now gone, Leo managed to deflect some attacks before he got shoved off the podium and landed on his back. "Leo!" Usagi yelled as he ran over to make sure the slider hadn't landed on his katana's Venus looked up and saw her dome had disappeared, releasing Ezra from the hug just enough to see he was shaking, and his breathing was shaky. She took off his mask in hopes that would help him breathed but sensed there was something more to the story as she saw his eyes dart everywhere.

"Raph, what happened to our powers?!" Mikey asked as he tried throwing his nun-chucks around, but they stayed like normal nun-chucks. Even April was holding her bat as she looked at Raph, hoping he'd have some kind of answer. Then Raph turned to Donnie and saw his bo-staff was in the same state as Mikey's nun-chucks. "They-they're gone!" Donnie said, fear overtook his face for once as Casey stood and looked at everyone. He then gasped and turned to Ezra and ran over. "Ez!" Casey yelled, sliding down to make sure his best friend was okay as Venus back up a bit. Raph then looked to Leo, who was standing just fine but holding his blades in his hands, Usagi not to far from him as he noticed the small vines at the base of the blade had withered away and died. "What did they do to us?" Leo yelled, Usagi closed his eyes and tried to communicate with nature but opened his eyes in shock. "Leo..." Usagi said, Leo looked at the pikathrope in worry. Usagi hardly said Leo's name in that tone.

"I... I can't hear them. The plants." Usagi said, Leo looked at Usagi's blade in concern and even walked over to look at it. Venus looked at the state of Ezra and narrowed her eyes, growling under her breath as she glared at Prime. She grabbed one fan and thrusted it forward but gasped softly when the portal's lightning did nothing. She even looked up and saw the storm she had conjured disappeared. Prime then walked back to the portal and smiled evilly. "Brother, sister, join me. Time for us to finish remaking this universe in the image of Krang." Prime announced and waited silently as two more Krang walked to the portal. One short and stumpy while the other one was tall like Prime, but her face was located more to the bottom. The tall one laughed evilly as she jumped out from the portal, her tentacles sharp like spears as the short stumpy one simply crawled out. For the sake of this book, we could say the sister is named Huntress and the short one is called Polymath.

You'll see soon enough why they're labeled as such. "How I've waited for this day!" Huntress announced, a grin on her face. "Indeed." Prime agreed and turned to Polymath as he crawled up. "Brother, widen the portal and retrieve our ship, the Technodrome. Once it is here, the world will kneel before us." Prime said, sending a glare to everyone. Polymath only nodded, then Huntress stepped forward. "Oh, if you two don't mind, I haven't killed anything in ages." Huntress said, turning to everyone as her bloodthirst grew at the sight of them.

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