Rest, all of you.

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Everyone grabbed every plant they could find in the lair, ran to the medical cell where Usagi remained,d pushed up the hoodie sleeves to remain at his elbows. "You sure you know what you're doing?" April asked as she put a planet down next to Venus, who had stopped coughing but was wheezing badly. "Not really, but the result will be with both of them healed," Usagi said and held his katana out. "That's the last of them," Mikey said as he set another plant down in the room. It turned from a room that smelled like bleach to a forest in a matter of minutes. Usagi sighed and looked ahead at the group that remained outside of the room. "Alright. This is gonna get a little crazy." Usagi said and turned back to Venus and Leo. He took a deep breath and put both paws on the sword handle. Usagi closed his eyes and remained silent.

Then, green orbs began to sprout from the plants and swirl around at Usagi's feet. Everyone watched silently as the orbs began to rise more and more before spinning around his katana. The lights around the room began to flicker before short-circuiting for a moment before going out completely. Everyone yelled as Usagi remained still, he then opened his eyes to reveal they were glowing bright and then straightened himself before pointing the blade between the two turtles. Everyone watched in awe as the mystic energy shot out towards Leo and Venus. Everyone remained silent as the mystic energy wrapped around Venus's neck and caused her to gasp and pull her hand back from her neck and mouth. Her bandages had been removed to allow the energy to do its work and you could see her blood slowly disappearing from her neck.

"Woah," Ezra said as the majority of the mystic energy wrapped around Leo. It was at this point that Usagi began to struggle, some of the plants began to move around as flowers bloomed from the appropriate ones. Usagi began to shake as his eyes narrowed at Leo, trying his best to heal Leo, the mystic energy grew and grew around Leo as Usagi struggled. He just got Leo back, he wasn't going to let him go now! All the bruises, bumps, and other injuries soon began to fade away and it caused everyone to smile. Donnie then flicked on his goggles and scanned Leo's body, gasping as he watched as all the internal injuries were being healed. "It's like Usagi is trying to bring him back to life. Donnie said, frowning a bit as he took in how exhausted Usagi seemed.

"But we only wanted him to heal Leo to a certain degree!" Splinter yelled, knowing how much of a toll healing magic can have on the user. Everyone gasped as Usagi fell to his knees and began to grunt in pain, his eyes flickering from their glow and slowly disappearing. "Mr. Snow, stop! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Ezra yelled as he tried to run up to Usagi. Usagi saw and commanded the plants to make a wall between him and the family. "Usagi, stop! There's no point in you getting hurt just so Leo feels better!" Raph yelled as he punched the wall, something that made Usagi flinch badly. "Just trust me!" Usagi yelled as he turned to everyone, not noticing Venus walking up behind him. Venus took Usagi's distraction and punched the blade out of his hand, the weapon lodging into the plant wall and zapping some energy away from Usagi.

Usagi gasped and watched as the room returned to its dim glow and the vine wall disappeared. The katana clanked to the ground and everyone raced in to see if Leo and Venus were alright. "Venus, are you alright?" Mikey yelled as he ran up to Venus and grabbed both of her arms. She smirked and opened her mouth to say something. "Wai fort a second," Donnie said and threw his goggles one, Venus closed her mouth and allowed Donnie to scan her. "Okay, don't speak, your throat isn't fully healed," Donnie said, Venus frowning as Donnie made his way over to Leo and began to scan his brother. "Okay, he's got a broken arm and leg but his ribs and head are okay." Donnie said and looked up at Usagi, who stood unstable for a moment. "So, Leo just needs rest now?" Usagi asked, Donnie sighed and folded his arms across his chest. "From what I can see, yes. But I will have to put his arm and leg in casts." Donnie said with a huff.

"Great, I'm just gonna..." Usagi said and fell right on his face, Venus stared at him and smacked her forehead, dragging her hand down her face as she huffed at Usagi angrily. "Is he alright?" April asked as she walked over and nudged Usagi, who groaned in discomfort and swatted at her foot.  Venus exhaled carefully before walking to Usagi and picking him up and setting him on the bed she was on moments ago. Venus pulled a blanket up on Usagi and looked at the others, who each walked over to try and help Leo. But Venus grabbed her fan and flung it at a wall to stop Raph or Donnie from doing anything. "What the heck Venus?" Donnie asked huffed with anger. She rose both her hands and began to sign again.

"You guys look like you're on the verge of death." Mikey translated then gasped with offense. "No we don't!" Mikey yelled, Venus narrowed her eyes and looked at Ezra and Casey, seeing both are on the verge of passing out. She looked back at Usagi, who's face began to scrunch up. She walked to one side of the beds and pushed Usagi's bed closer to Leo's moving both of their hands so that Leo's would remain on top of Usagi's. Usagi began to calm down and looked at the others, seeing that they all had begun to relax. "Look, I learned something about younger Ezra and I think you all need sleep before we go to Todd's." Mikey translated again, everyone looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean by that? What happened?" Splinter asked as he stepped forward, worrying about his only grandchild as Ezra froze and bawled a single hand. Casey noticed and hugged Ezra from behind.

Venus saw and smiled at the two before looking back at the other half of her family. "I will explain after you all rest. I won't be up long myself. Just to go over Leo's injuries and put on a cast. I know where everything is and I can have SHELL-DON help me if it's needed." Mikey translated Venus's sign language again. Raph looked over his family and saw how tired each and every single one of them was, some of them were fidgeting around to stay awake. Raph sighed and everyone looked up at him. "Venus is right, we all need some sleep," Raph said, Venus smiled kindly at him. After some annoying huffs and some words from Donnie, everyone was sent to bed.  Raph made sure everyone had gone to bed and didn't sneak into the medical cell to help Venus, who did know what she was doing. 

Once Raph had made sure Mikey was all rested with his favorite stuffed animal, Raph exited the room and closed the door behind him quietly. Raph sighed and rubbed his brow, looking around the rooms. April was sleeping on the air mattress in Venus's room while Ezra and Casey returned to Usagi and Leo's room, so Raph only had one last person to check up on. Raph walked slowly around the lair, his body sore and screaming for him to go to bed. But he wasn't going to until he made sure there wasn't another reason behind Venus wanting the others to rest. Raph walked around the wall and watched as Leo's leg was now in a cast and Venus held her hands under it. SHELL-DON was hovering in the air and putting the cast on a stretcher of some sort so that it would be elevated.

 "Okay, we should be good now," SHELL-DON said after hooking the material on and hovering away slowly. Venus also backed away slowly and exhaled in relief once the cast didn't budge. SHELL-DON looked to the side and caught sight of Raph, SHELL-DON's machinery made a positive sound and closed his eyes happily upon seeing Raph. "Hi, Raph!" SHELL-DON said and flew over to Raph, rubbing his head against Raph's arm as Venus turned around to see Raph. "Hey, Shelly," Raph said and carefully patted SHELL-DON's head. "I'm gonna go back to charging, let me know if you need anything," SHELL-DON said and then zoomed back to Donnie's lab. Raph smirked and then turned back to Venus, who stood a foot from him. "GAH!" Raph yelled and jumped back from her sudden closeness, arms up. Venus furrowed her brows and folded her arms across her chest.

Raph laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck as he fixed his posture. "I know you said you wanted all of us to get some sleep but-" Raph was stopped as he spun around by Venus and she began to push him towards his room, which he again yelped upon. "Hey, wait stop!" Raph said as he tried to stop himself, but couldn't. Guess Usagi's healing did more work than just Venus's neck, especially if she's managing to push an over 200-pound turtle without using her ninpo. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay!" Raph said, Venus stopped suddenly and they paused in the entertainment area. "V?" Raph asked and turned around, seeing Venus looking at the ground with conflicted eyes, her hands were up like she was on pause from pushing Raph. 

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